Free «Juvenile Correction Agencies» Essay Sample

Juvenile Correction Agencies

Juvenile correction is a program aimed at young offenders of federal or state law. Offenders are placed in youth detention centers where they either await a court proceeding or are transferred to a long term correction facilities or programs. The long term facilities include both mainstream and special schools for delinquent juvenile, mental health programs.

The mental health facilities provide treatment and rehabilitation of delinquent youth. There is a co-relation between crime and mental health among young offenders (Underwood, 2006). Each of the offenders is closely monitored and a program suitable to his/her condition can be formulated.

Educational facilities are integral part of the juvenile rehabilitation program. The universal right to education should be up-held in juvenile correction, especially if a juvenile will spend a long time in the correction center.

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Special education facilities play a vital role in the correction program of juveniles. Some juveniles, who are inclined to crime, also suffer some special needs. Thus, the juveniles who cannot fit in to the mainstream education facilities are offered special alternative education.

Juvenile court is special court which tries young people who have committed crimes. It passes judgment to commit offenders either to a long term facility for rehabilitation or enroll in other correctional programs.

All the facilities that are found in a juvenile correctional facility are aimed first and foremost at the interest of the young offenders. Its primary objective is correction and safety of the minor. The juvenile court is supposed to go deep and expose the cause of the offence and offer an appropriate correctional measure. Educational and mental health facilities ensure that the juvenile’s state of mind is not under torture or retardation.

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