Free «Business Law Research Paper "Workers' Rights in France and Canada"» Essay Sample

Business Law Research Paper

Employees exploitation is still evident in some countries where countries have formed laws that protect workers' rights by all means. The rules in the contemporary world are different from those in the past, making companies more conscious of their obligations to employees. Regarding job satisfaction and employee remuneration, the laws are specific to the nation in question, which means different in every country. Any job satisfaction package must include compensation and benefits. Most businesses have a standard policy that is applied to various levels of personnel. The usual procedure should be fair and consistent with what is done in the home nation. A nation heavily influences the quantity of remuneration and perks that workers get. Various laws and regulations govern employee remuneration, and the rules are different in every country. Analyzing the multiple nations is necessary to understand how they compare and to suggest alternative approaches to enhance pay and benefits programs for the various countries. Therefore this research paper aims at analyzing differences and comparisons in workers' laws and regulations regarding compensation, benefits, and healthcare services of France and Canada.

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Canada offers a competitive wage and benefits package that is comparable to that of France. There is a minimum wage law in Canada that ensures that no employee is underpaid. The wage scale is typically determined by the province in which a person works. All this is in contrast to France, in which the federal government sets the minimum wage, and state wage laws might vary. If the government's minimum wage legislation differs from the federal national minimum wage, the employee shall be entitled to the more significant sum (Blomqvist and  Busby, pp 13). Employees in Canada are paid for holidays and two weeks of paid leave under Canadian law. With such kinds of rules in place n Canada, it shows that the government has the interest of their working individuals at heart. Employers in France have the option of providing paid vacation and paid holidays. It is an option that gives the employer the strength to determine if they can pay for the vacation or leave, thus making an employee vulnerable.

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Canadians are entitled to receive paternity and maternity leave if they have a child. In Canada, maternity leave is roughly 17 weeks, whereas maternity leave in France is approximately 14 weeks. Canada has just enacted a compensated care scheme that may last up to eight weeks. It entails taking unpaid absence to care for a family member. In France, the compensation is recognized as the Family and Medical Leave Act. This would allow anyone to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid vacation to care for a family member or just for themselves (Lusardi and Olivia, pp. 56). Individuals in the military are not entitled to time off in Canada. This is in contrast to France, where employees in the reserves might be allowed time off to satisfy military needs. An employer may keep a military post for up to 6 months, after which they must be returned to their previous position (Savage, pp. 66). Canada has a comparable pension and retirement scheme to that of France. The retirement plan in Canada is well designed and outlined as it ensures that the interests of employees are taken care of accordingly based on the type of wages they get.

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When compared to Canada, France's pay package is also competitive. Employers are required to pay employees who work more than 35 hours per week. The 35-hour restriction results from France's shorter workweek, which was implemented to minimize unemployment. Employees are eligible for RTT days if their employers exceed the limit. RTT stands for Réduction du Temps de Travail (Martini, pp. 68). This is extra time for paid vacations, which is why many French employees can take a month off. Companies that do not give time off must compensate employees for overtime. In France, family care is regulated in a very different way. Employers must provide employees up to four days off when a family member marries and two days off if a family member dies. People are entitled to a day off if one of their partners enters into a civil union and a day off when one of their offspring marries. In addition, the French government guarantees a minimum wage to safeguard its workers. The country's minimum salary is comparable to $10.90 (Martini, pp. 66).

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Both the France and Canadian governments are heavily engaged in the healthcare of their respective countries. The two nations give health insurance; however, it differs structurally. The federal government of Canada offers budgetary assistance for provincial governments' healthcare expenditures as long as they follow the Canada Health Act's rules and regulations. The Canadian system differs from that of the France public distribution system. The healthcare system in Canada is based on a single-payer model. The term "single-payer" refers to a system in which only a single party, the Canadian government, pays for healthcare and has complete control over it. The government, on the other hand, does not own the system. Canadian physicians and healthcare institutions are both privately owned and run. Taxes are used to fund the majority of the systems. There are various benefits to the single-payer system (Martocchio, pp. 88). Prescription medications, for example, become more inexpensive. This is due to the government's ability to purchase them in quantity, reducing competition among various vendors.

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Many French citizens get their healthcare via their job, while another 50 million contract it through the government Medicare program and another 60 million through Medicaid. Anyone who is a legal citizen of Canada is entitled to healthcare and is registered in a territorial or regional health care plan by default. This is in contrast to France, in which the Affordable Care Act (ACA) neither establishes an individual's right to healthcare nor provides automatic coverage for everyone. The Affordable Care Act adheres to the European attitude that the person must pay for healthcare. The method makes it possible to deliver low-cost treatment to a more significant number of individuals while also providing impoverished people with programs to help afford the expenses. In France, the government's healthcare insurance programs are essentially confined to Medicaid, Medicare, and Children's Health Insurance Program (Givati and Troiano, pp. 76). The aged, destitute, crippled, and children are all eligible for the program. The government also maintains a veteran administration program that uses clinics and medical facilities to treat handicapped or retired service members, their families, and survivors.

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France's healthcare system is based on universal health coverage, primarily funded by national health insurance. In France, around 77 percent of health costs are usually paid by government-funded institutions. Compared to other industrialized countries, France is renowned for having one of the greatest overall health care systems. In addition, France spent less on health care than the United States. According to a 2017 report, France spends 11.6 percent of its GDP on health care (Lehndorff, pp. 66). This figure is greater than that of other European nations but lower than that of the United States. Healthcare costs the United States 16 percent of its GDP. When expressed in dollars, the per capita figure becomes even more spectacular. According to this metric, the United States spends twice as much on health care as France (Lehndorff, pp. 90). The United States, on the other hand, has little to show for its massive healthcare spending.

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The French healthcare system is at the top of the worldwide rankings, while the US is at the bottom. Other nations, such as France, can teach the United States a lot about health care policy. The French system demonstrates that universal access to high-quality health care is attainable. The French system also allows physicians and patients to make their own decisions. Patients in France have minimal or no limitations in choosing their physicians and may visit any expert they like. Doctors in France are allowed to select treatment choices that they deem suitable. For example, cutting-edge therapies are available in France, and cancer medications might cost $100,000 per year (Lehndorff, pp. 101). Other nations, such as the United States and governments, such as Canada, restrict its usage.

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In conclusion, every year, workers in Canada are entitled to a minimum of 20 days off. Some organizations, however, have a policy of providing additional days to employees who have worked for them for numerous years. In certain states, employers are not obligated to pay for sick days. In Ontario, for example, organizations with 50 or more workers are not required to provide sick days. Companies may grant up to 5 paid sick days, according to custom. In terms of remuneration and benefits, there are significant parallels and variations between the two nations. They are designed to safeguard workers from being exploited by their employers. Employers in several nations are required to give paid sick leave, vacation days, and family or medical leave. Additional vacation days might last up to 5 weeks in both countries, Canada and France. The advantages of health insurance vary significantly across nations. Canada has a single-payer system, while France depends on Medicaid and Medicare to provide healthcare. All these are variations that favor each country based on their preferences and the nature of their laws.

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