Free «Banking Members» Essay Sample

Banking Members

This proposal is within reach and is feasible and justifiable. The plan also appeals to all current stakeholders who are also in agreement and feel that it is also time to upgrade. Growth is projected over the next several years and these steps will enhance and provide the necessary base for expansion going forward. System size is a measure of the magnitude of all its components, the system should be documented in the project plan before the system size is estimated. The statement defines what the project will and will not include, in enough detail to clearly communicate to all participants.

The goal is to provide a complete system to provide banking members a way to perform basic banking tasks. The system design may imply requirements that are not specified. For example, the design of a client/server system may have the need for a fire wall between data moving in and out of the environment. This may add the need for user exits or other components integrated with the data propagation software. Other components are often implied but not clearly defined, such as, performance, interfaces, operations and implementation.

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The current hardware and software is outdated and in need of repair, to comply with new business requirements a new system must be implemented and or upgraded. The replacement of hardware, software and training associated with the new upgrades/implementation to the system is required. The sections will be Hardware, Software, Monthly Operating Costs, Training, and Salary Costs. Each section will have detailed formats that include costs and overhead data on hardware purchases and upgrades, software and licensing, and re-occurring monthly operating costs associated with running the operation.

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