Free «How is the Industry Changing» Essay Sample

How is the Industry Changing

Majority of the changes in the industry is caused by rapid technological evolution. The competition lies on the ability of organizations to offer something better, whether it concerns graphics, efficiency of the system, uniqueness of the gaming experience, additional products and services, among others. Moreover, the success of organizations relies heavily on the interest and loyalty, needs, demands, and preferences of consumers. Companies in the industry cannot simply create and market a product and expect consumers to buy it. There are many companies in the industry, which means that consumers now have various options and the choice they make determines how successful an organization will be. As a result, companies are switching to consumer-centric business models. Consumers of the gaming industry, for instance, evaluate all the features of the products before they purchase something. They usually purchase products depending on the processor, the memory or storage, graphics, connectivity, platform and interface, networking features, etc. Since these features matter to consumers, companies compete by looking for means to provide the best of those features better than their competitors. Consumers control the market and the business decisions of companies are largely influenced by their needs and demands.

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In terms of technological advancement, competition in the industry not only focuses on gaining a sizeable market share. Nowadays, companies must also compete for investors, sponsors, and partner manufacturers. The features available on gaming consoles rely on the quality of parts that companies obtain from manufacturers and in the industry, companies must find a way to develop deals with those manufacturers to gain exclusive control of those parts. To do so, companies must build and present a business model that would appeal to investors, sponsors, and manufacturers. Companies must promise and deliver profitability for all parties. Overall, the primary factors that affect changes in the industry include technological development, the control of consumers of the market, and intense competition between companies in the industry and third parties. The need for these companies to create something better than the competition, in a fast and efficient manner, and the pressure to become the leader for innovation also affects business processes and decisions.

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