Free «Running a Business with Staff Scattered Around the World» Essay Sample

Running a Business with Staff Scattered Around the World

According to the global company development trends, business environment worldwide is now based on the outsourcing and outstaffing principles. The companies are actively employing qualified staff from abroad and letting them work from their location. The specifics are the management of the employees and workflow which is not physically available at the office premises. This is where the difficulty with such management practice lies. However, as the article describes the experience of ITX Corporation, the company was able to employ staff from Argentina successfully and planned the solution to all the problems, including the language barrier (as most of these employees were only talking in Spanish). That is why the article describes a positive implementation of outstaffing business practice by ITX Corporation, which is one of the most popular management tactics in the modern IT world.

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S.E.C. Says Asset Firm Manipulated Trades to Enrich Some Clients. The article focuses on the problems with investors according to the ‘cherry-picking’ scheme, which was applied by the owner of Aletheia Research and Management – Mr. Peter J. Eichler Jr. As the result of badly processed investments of his clients, the owner of the company is being accused of being involved in allocating his clients’ money to hedge funds. Basically, this is called cheating. Such business practices are popular among bankers and other types of managers who are involved in various investment schemes. The problem, as usual, lies in the management in this case. Bad management that is implemented in such companies allows the senior management and the owners to cheat. Without the existence of normal control procedures, this tendency is likely to develop in the future. Even if the owner is responsible for such funds movements, there should still be control and monitoring processes which were not present in this case. As Lattman quotes Peikin, the Co-Founder of Aletheia, Eichler has got rid of all possible internal control procedures. For this reason, bad management resulted in lost reputation and money.

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Simple Tools Help Owners Sift Data for Eager Customers. The article discusses techniques applied in marketing management of the global companies. Due to the fact that websites are tools for attracting customers from all around the world, the companies like Velvet Palate have developed their own instruments for tracking their clients from the website and developing relationships with them. Knowledge of customer needs has always been the most important factor of business development. In terms of management, this article describes a well-implemented management technique which is not only created, but also controlled and fulfilled by the owner of the company, Kim Koreen. The author of the article describes this as using online data from website to collect and process the needs and wants of the customers (Weed).

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Luxury Cosmetics Maker Weighs the Benefits of Selling Items on TV. EvePearl is one of the most popular cosmetics brands within the United States. The brand has strong strategic scope into how the businesses should be operating in terms of their customer loyalty and market share increase. That is why the article discusses the possibility of going on TV instead of traditional advertising methods. The visual content is argued to be very powerful in cosmetics. Eve Pearl, the founder of the company has addressed the success of promotional videos, which have been used for advertising. Therefore, flexibility of marketing strategy in this case demonstrates successful management practice.

A Seasonal Business Aims to Survive the Off-Season. Restaurant business is considered to be one of the most difficult businesses in terms of seasonality. The article describes the methods which have been undertaken by the newly opened restaurant to handle seasonal business factors. The growth of expenses showed that the business strategy required immediate review. This article is an example of good management, as the restaurant owners tool consideration of the cost control and implemented methods that eliminated hemorrhaging expenses. The decision brought positive results and sustainable levels of profit.

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