Free «Comparison between Anatomy of Judgment and Metaphors We Live By» Essay Sample

Comparison between Anatomy of Judgment and Metaphors We Live By

According to Abercrombie’s, “the Anatomy of Judgement,” is able to demonstrate practical use of teaching medical students as well as other students on how they can pay attention to the assumptions and biases in current behavior of seeing, inferring, and observing thus making a more accurate decisions and presumptions in their studies and work. She explains how well individuals are able to influence what happens by the perceptions they have towards something. Again, she says that interpreting things is more guided by our experiences we have had before. It is due to this that we all have our different ways of interpretation as our experiences varies.

On their part in metaphors we live by, Lackoff and Johnson seems to have been reading from the same script as Abercrombie. From what a definition of a metaphor as given by the two theorists can be understood, it is an instrument of mind that permits us to use our knowledge about the social and physical experience providing to our perceptive of myriad subjects. It is in this view of our perception that the two theories are based. The perception we have as depicted by the two theories is what drives us to what we believe. It is what seems as the power of mind and controlling our wish. Moreover, when we experience something, we better come to understand it and thus we are able to perceive it better.

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However, the two theories have observable differences. This differences are such as one observed by Dr Abercrombie which sought to make a difference between an inference and an observation which were based on scientific thoughts. On their part, Lackoff and Johnson figured more of what was being depicted as the image on the mind and one that would easily influence the outcome of our actions. Again, in the anatomy of judgment, something seems to have an earlier happened that we must have observed to perceive what we want to see happen in future. On the other hand the metaphors we live by stated that our minds are triggered and conceptualize a picture that we are able to make a perception on. Once more, the anatomy of judgment seems to make or rather bring issues that happen to judgment. This they say is what brings people to a particular perception.

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Alternatively, metaphors we live by is for an idea of what is observed from the happenings though may at times have an influence, it does not necessarily need such an observation to make perception of what we want to make. Another difference is that in the Anatomy of Judgment, she argues that human mind interprets everything we touch, see or hear. This is so as an image or feeling of what happens around as is censored and then we are able to make an interpretation of them. it is then through such interpretation that perception are made. On the part of metaphors we live by, our perception is greatly influenced by what our action is, what we speak, and what we think about. It is therefore judge more by what we do and we can influence, rather than what we can influence our environment as is the case of Anatomy of Judgment. Lastly, Dr Abercrombie was of the view that science and scientific knowledge had something to do with all we perceived. She is noted to have been disappointed by the idea that learning science by her students did not necessarily help her students to think scientifically, and meticulously make clear distinction between inferences and observations on which are scientifically based. The research project that she engaged in intended to elucidate factors essential to the failure to make such distinction and ascertain if a group discussion as design by Dr S. H Foulkes as a technique of psychotherapy and could have been used to encourage the progress of scientific behavior of thought. The Lackoff and Johnson theory was different in that it agitated more for metaphorical expressions in the language used and that was tied to metaphorical concepts by an orderly manner.

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In the end, the two theories coincide with their conclusion. That is, they are both in agreement that perception is what guides our conception of an image on the mind of what want to see. What we perceive is what we tend to contest for in our daily lives and with this we influences what that seems to happen in our environment.

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