Free «En Plein-Air Painting» Essay Sample

En Plein-Air Painting

Zola’s claim that some impressionists sell sketches that are yet to dry was prompted by, among other works, Winslow Homer’s summer night painting. The invention of the photographic lens has contributed to the development of art in the 20th and 21st century. The lens technology has improved the quality of natural objects in the art to produce clarity and highlighting the less obvious features absent in traditional art. Between Monet and Renoir paintings, the main difference is the amount of lighting that the artist utilized in their work. Monet philosophy was to express his perception and not nature realities; he was thus motivated by the beauty of his perception in his work, rather than the natural beauty. Renoir’s paintings used lighting to enrich clarity in his work, making it captivating. In a family portrait, I would prefer Renoir to Monet, because of the rich color effect.

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Thomas Elkin’s Gross Clinic and Agnew Clinic depict a surgical procedure, as it was known during his time. The layout of the surgery procedure depicted in Elkin’s painting resembles the surgery layout, as we know it today. In the Gross clinic, Dr Gross, dressed in a black coat, leads the surgery procedure in the company of several medical assistants. These portraits replicate the modern surgery operations, where the lead surgeon works on a patient with different specialists and assistants around the surgery table. The painting represents women as fragile and emotionally weak, and who are touched by the sensitivity of the operation. The portraits depict men as emotionally stable and in control of the situation; they are eager to help in the procedure rather than show pity and hopelessness. Mary Cassatt’s painting portrays women as tenderly, loving and caring, especially to young children. If Cassatt could have painted Elkin’s painting, she could have portrayed the woman's love and tender care; perhaps she would have depicted a woman holding and supporting the head of the patient on the operation table as a sign of care and love and not pity and helplessness.

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Still Life with Plaster Cast can be compared to the text describing a certain object, using another object for comparison, even though they are not similar in characteristics. An artist may decide to repaint the work to correct or improve on a theme lacking in the original work done by another painter. The artist seeks to express his opinion on the painting by adding what he or she might have included in the original piece. The painting is the same, because the repainting does not change the theme and the characters involved. The portrait is a new work if the original theme and characters are altered. An artist may choose to repaint a subject severally depicting his interest or philosophical believe in the subject. The original artist can repaint the same portrait and maintain its identity by using the same theme, meaning and characters. The portrait becomes different if the theme, meaning and characters are altered to give a different impression to a viewer other than the original one.

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The Eiffel Tower was not in norms with artistic and engineering designs of medieval France. Critics of the Eiffel, and especially artists, did not associate it with the French artistic heritage of the time and it was out of place in the city’s architectural legacy. The Parisians were right in their argument, since the design of the Eiffel was borrowed from the Egyptian pyramids, which were not part of the French design and art. Gustave Eiffel’s design was chosen among many competing designs, since it was to be the tallest monument on Earth, and was unique from any other design found in Paris. The Liberty Statue in the United States is a monument of equal status to the Eiffel. The Liberty Statue has a historical significance of freedom and liberty to the Americans. The Statue is the national symbol of the United States and one of the unique statues on the planet, in addition to its size and splendor.

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