Free «Nature around Us» Essay Sample

Nature around Us

Once you wake up one Sunday morning, look out of the window and realize that you would give everything to get rid of those gadgets and innovative technology around you. You would leave all this here and let yourself forget about everyday troubles, work, study, or duties. Then, you would remind yourself of those happy moments when you were a child and spent much of your time outdoors. You used to enjoy this gentle sunshine, kind and soothing wind, silent rustle of the leaves and melodic birds’ singing. You were so light-hearted and happy running around and enjoying your life.

Every man should have time for a rest. This is time for our body and mind to leave everyday bustle away. We should forget about the computer, TV set, the Internet or cell phone and let ourselves unite with the nature. It does not matter if it is a cottage near the lake, the wood, the field full of flowers, or seashore. Every one of us knows his favorite place where we can relax, meditate and let our thoughts drift away. It is the moment of truthful relaxation.

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The nature around us is beautiful and charming. The mountains attract us with their majesty and inaccessibility. The air is fresh and pure in the mountainous area. Our lungs are open for deep and unpolluted breathing. There are numerous unique bushes, trees and flowers around. If you are thirsty, you may have a gulp of the water from the spring. Its pure and cooling water will fill your body with strength and your mind with the feeling of freedom.

If you come into the woods, you will enjoy this marvelous birds’ singing. There are mushrooms and berries. You may see a furry squirrel jumping on the branches or a snake creeping in the grass. Gentle sun rays shine through the branches of the trees and it is not so hot in the wood.

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No matter where you are in the wood, in the mountains, near the lake or at the sea shore, you will never stop surprising how beautiful the nature is. It seems unique and new all the time, because there are so many things you have not seen before. These are precious moments, when you are so close to the nature and the nature gives you strength and inspiration in life.

However, the nature around us is not eternal. We have it now and there is no confidence it will remain the same in future. This warm rain, gentle wind and kind sunshine may turn into acid rain, polluted air and burning sunshine. The nature may give back the humanity what it receives. The nature around us is really vulnerable today. People do not think about the consequences of their anthropological impact. We damage this beauty with our own hands and devoid our children of fresh air, pure water and grounds, beautiful plants and animals. We should protect this precious beauty around us.

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