Free «Oedipus the King by Sophocles» Essay Sample

Oedipus the King by Sophocles

"Oedipus the King" from "The Three Theban Plays" that is written by Sophocles represents readers a number of episodes about the life of the Odipus, his victories and defeats, successes and failures.

The strong wish to ignore the truth remains of one of the most important in the Oedipus the King. Here Oedipus hopes to feel free himself not seeing the truth, ignoring the reality and any facts. If to be more specific, it can be mentioned that while Jocasta was saying who had killed Laius, Oedipus remembered for himself how he did the same thing in similar circumstances alone. It is an unusual point here because Oedipus believes to be undertaken by seeking the true process in this situation. Both Jocasta and Oedipus behave in a way that is not familiar to them, in a quite unusual manner. That is why Jocasta and Oedipus feel free to tell each other about prophesies they know. At the same time they both do have facts that cover the truth. All this information gives readers background of how much Jocasta and Oedipus do not want to talk about evident truth. It goes without saying that in such a way it is much better and easier to live for them, though it is an absolute illusion of the reality as it is. What is more, it is another world, their choice of living and responsibility of suffering the consequences of their own lives. Furthermore, each detail for them seems to be hidden and eventually forgotten.

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So, after everything has been said, there can be made a conclusion that willingness to not seeing the truth both characters of the book loose many opportunities, and thus they are closed from each other, there is no trust, no sincere feelings, only lie and uncertainty.

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