Free «The Tell-Tale Heart» Essay Sample

The Tell-Tale Heart

The storyteller in Edgar Allan Poe's short tale "The Tell-Tale Heart" reveals no concentration on demonstrating his usefulness in the assassination ?f the old man, but rather fanatically demonstrates his sanity. Every characteristic ?f the tale, he associates with assassination, carries out the definition ?f irony. Instead of showing his sanity, he, eventually, demonstrates gloominess ?f a uncertainty whether he ?s insane or not (Brett, 16-34).

When a reader takes a closer look at the story, he might find out one more point ?f irony. It ?s not the customary form, but rather more modernized (Johnson 1-645). The irony in this case would be why the storyteller ?s really s? much concerned with demonstrating his sanity rather than his innocence (www.

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This real fear itself ?s based on symptoms of psychosomatic disease that lots ?f critics cannot describe but cannot escape. An ordinary critical assessment ?f this story will include 3 main points. First of all, it is ?n examination parallel t? the detailed care in planning the old man's death. The other important factor is the attribution ?f the storyteller's motifs presented from the point of sufferer. Finally, it should be mentioned the apprehensive buildup t? the real assassination, ?s murderer determines ?nd takes heed (Johnson 1-645). His actions, mirrored in the old man's reactions, that are full of nervousness ?nd presentiments, disclose the storyteller's mental disorder. Arguments like these are based ?n the formal belief that the insanity ?f the storyteller ?s evident from the basic language ?f the story. Possibly, too much expressiveness ?s placed upon the storyteller's constant notion. He could have thought that ?n exact oral depiction ?f the proceedings, leading t? the assassination, will be a sufficient evident t? clarify his sanity. Narrator incorporates one ?f the most evident examples when he goes forward t? repeat this argument in favor ?f his own sanity: "If still you think me mad, you will think s? no longer when I describe the wise precautions I took for concealment ?f the body" (Cleman 623-640). He repeats this statement until ?t falls into a pattern. The opinion seems t? brink into ?n area wrapped up quite well by Shakespeare. The narrator objects his insanity just a little too keenly t? admit his madness.

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The detailed care ?nd planning, which the storyteller associates, brings out just the contrary: he ?s not deranged ?t all ( The assassination ?s quite intentional. It ?s the primary technique against being diagnosed as mentally ill. This should be rather apparent, ?s well ?s the histrionic effects, the storyteller resorts t?. He tries to make sense ?f sanity when he fulminates against being thought insane (Cleman 623-640). Evidences do not support the idea that narrator ?s any kind ?f mad man more than any other murderer.

It is possible to suggest that majority ?f murderers must be mad t? a certain degree. Then, the killer ?f The Tell-Tale Heart ?s simply ?s crazy ?s most murderers. His soliloquy ?s full of references how cautiously he fabricated the plan of murder ?nd he even carried unbearable pains t? carry out the plan. Are these acts ?f a madman? It is possible. Insanity ?s a nebulous conception. However, in the world ?f Edgar Allan Poe the narrator ?f The Tell-Tale Heart ?s not a sick murderer, but merely a manslayer much alike Montresor in The Cask ?f Amontillado. However, most critics do not instantly impute insanity t? Montresor. The reason might be that his soliloquy is more intelectual and enthusiastic. This enthusiasm ?s the main part ?f the story because ?t expends from the narrator’s tale beyond motive. The same can be observed in Poe’s theories concerning harmony ?f effect ?nd recurrence ?f rationale. As a result, ?t should be considered nothing more than ?n innovation by a definitely sane man trying to escape from fate (Cleman 623-640).

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When all the distinguished details are collected the reader ?s left with a soliloquy that seems t? be addressed by a narrator who appears t? be engaged in an irony. He looks shamefaced by paradoxically insisting ?n demonstrating incorruptibility. The existent irony, in the modernized sense, ?s what has been assumed ?s "apparent" proof ?f the storyteller's insanity. In reality, when personally examined, a person tries t? escape verdict for the responsibility by faking insanity with ironic means.

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