Free «Employee Relations Officer Objectives» Essay Sample

Employee Relations Officer Objectives
  • Take charge of all communications between the business and its employees.
  • Promote a Human Resources (HR) approach to all communications within a business.
  • Make sure that employees receive fair compensation in exchange for their work.
  • Get familiarized with wage and labor laws, as well as with the wages paid by competitors.
  • Guarantee integral health protection to employees by seeking adequate health insurance.
  • Develop commission and retirement plans that engage employees to be more productive.
  • Become a positive leader within the organization, inspiring employees to maximize efficiency and productivity.
  • Promote the creation of spaces where employees can share their opinions and/or ideas on the business and any changes that can be made to become more productive.
  • Develop a system to monitor employee efficiency, discipline, interpersonal relationships, etc.
  • Open bilateral communications channels with labor unions to maintain an amicable environment within the organization (between manager and employees).
  • Develop recruiting programs, as well as selection criteria to guarantee only the most competent candidates are given an opportunity in the business/organization.
  • Develop training programs in order to maximize employee satisfaction, skill and efficiency.
  • Advise management on all issues relating to lower level employees (including, but not limited to, disciplinary actions, performance bonuses, and mobility opportunities).
  • Develop a network within the organization’s dependencies in order to enhance communications.
  • Promote the creation of an external network; link the organization with external organizations in order to create a synergy within its particular market niche.
  • Fomment respect, equality, and solidarity within the entire organization. Discrimination nurtures a negative business environment and this ultimately attempts against efficiency.
  • Procure legal council in all matters concerning litigation and employment tribunal cases, always safeguarding the interests of the business (as well as its finances).

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