Free «Innovation Strategy» Essay Sample

Innovation Strategy

JetBlue Airways Corporation is a low-cost, low-fare passenger airline that currently offers its service in almost 19 cities all over the world. This company has experienced immense growth and success since it launched its operations in 2000. Experts attribute this success to high-quality customer services and its tailored innovation strategy. The company has invested heavily in innovation and technology not only to reduce costs, but also to treat its customers to an excellent flying experience.

JetBlue’s leverage technology provides a basis on which the company can investigate customer action, profile customers, and establish key loyalty drivers (Goetzl, 2000). In addition to reducing paper work significantly, this customer service system provides first-rate personal service. As Pearce & Robinson (2010) argue, innovation is important because it increases effectiveness and companies can use it to develop a marketing program that tailors messages to clients. With a goal of improving in-flight experience for its customers, JetBlue became the first airline company to give every passenger of its aircrafts a personalized on-board entertainment. This innovation allows every customer to access over 20 satellite TV channels via flat screen monitors that have been installed in every seatback at no extra cost (JetBlue, 2002). The company has also employed another strategy that has increased customer loyalty even more. All its passenger seats are leather with an exceptional amount of legroom between seats. This innovation makes travelling a comfortable experience for passengers because the seats are comfortable and there is enough room to relax and move around.

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After September 11, 2001 JetBlue realized the need to secure its aircrafts and its customers and thus implemented a security system. As a result of an introduced security program, the company reinforced all cockpit doors with titanium deadbolt locks and bullet proof kevlar. The titanium deadbolt locks allow one to open the doors only from within the cockpit. The company also installed four cabin security cameras which have a live feed to the cockpit crew on every airplane. This innovation has ensured that the passengers and the aircrafts are protected form terrorist attacks.

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