Free «Job Description for a Project Manager» Essay Sample

Job Description for a Project Manager

Totaljobs Group Ltd posted an advert for the recruitment of a project manager in an engineering firm. The job opening addressed several leadership qualifications for this position. It emphasized how it was important for a candidate applying for this position to have good communication and negotiation skills. Leaders should have good communication skills to enable them give quality feedback to employees. Project managers should also have negotiation skills that would assist them in signing good contracts. The job posting also addressed leadership qualifications by stating that the candidate applying for this post should have the ability to work well with others and lead a team (Totaljobs Group Ltd, 2012). Good managers should have the ability of relating well with the coworkers. It motivates employees to share their ideas on how to improve a particular project. In addition, it helps to reduce conflicts between employees. Another leadership qualification this posting addressed was importance of time management skills. It stated that an applicant should have excellent organizational, planning and time management skills. A project manager should have skills for managing time to ensure that the project is completed on time. This will help in reducing costs associated with a delay in project completion.

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The job opening by Totaljobs Group Ltd failed to address leadership qualifications in several ways. It did indicate that the candidate should have delegation skills. Project managers should delegate tasks in a project. Delegation help in ensuring that one employee is not overwhelmed by many tasks (Gido & Clements, 2008). The quality of services offered by employees will therefore improve because of the timely delegation initiated by the manager. Moreover, the posting failed to show the importance a candidate having stress management skills. Engineering projects are faced with many risks. For example, inflation may affect the price of construction materials used in a project. Furthermore, the materials purchased may not be enough to complete a project. Such risks may subject project managers to stress. It proves the importance of project managers possessing resilience and have stress management skills.

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