Free «Managing Change» Essay Sample

Managing Change

Nursing plays important role in the care and sustenance of patients’ health, that is why it is not surprising that nursing is seen as the driving force behind economic and social planning, and is, therefore, the subject for pressure. In this regard, success at a large-scale transformation in nursing management requires more than best tactical and strategic plans. It requires a clear understanding of the human side, as well as the organization’s values, culture, behavior and people, which must be changed to deliver the desired results. As (Stefl, 2008) contends, planning alone cannot deliver change, but collective actions from every nursing staff, who is responsible for designing, creating, executing and living the change can. Therefore, when leaders plans to manage a change, the following key principles should be taken into consideration: that people react individually to change, the fundamental needs of everyone must be met and fears must be dealt with.

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The first thing that the management has to do when applying the above principles is to create a vision for change. This vision should be precise and clear, so that affected parties can grasp easily so that everyone can comprehend why there is a need for change. It is important to understand that success of your change initiative depends on how consistent and effective one shares his vision (n.a., 2007). Giving employees true and reliable information regarding the impending change is the most important thing to do when applying above principles. Hardy (2001) contends that telling the truth during times of uncertainty and change is more important than telling “good news.” Every worker, not just top managers, needs to know and understand what the future holds when it comes to changes, which are intended to make the nursing profession better. Truth is more than simple: fairness implies honesty as well (Arnold & Jeanne, 2003). For big groups, change agents should use a special strategies that will ensure that the dissemination of information is efficient and comprehensive for everyone. It is asserted that change agents should never allow "grapevines" to take over. To ensure this, change agents should tell everyone about impending changes and support this with personal interviews, so that everyone is prepared for changes (Jorgensen, Owen,& Neus, 2008). It is imperative to understand that this will help the change agent recognizing and dealing aptly with different reactions to changes.

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Before the actual change, it is advisable that employees are given some opportunities to make choices. It is required that when giving this choices, an honest overview regarding the results of those choices should also be communicated. This will ensure that the inclusion and control needs of those, who will be affected by the changes in any way, are addressed. Moreover, nurses should be given enough time and space to express their opinions and views. In this regard, change agent has the duty of counseling, coaching, and giving appropriate information to help affected parties. Where losses are involved, it is important to identify what can replace the loss. This will help in quelling potential fears. Similarly, individuals should be given an opportunity to express, when it is possible to do so, to appease probable fears (Rao & LaClair, 2002).

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On its part, employer should keep practicing good management norms, such as finding time to hold informal discussions and provide feedback to the concerns of the employers. When seting a major change program, it is imperative to treat it as a project. This means that the leader will have to apply all the requirements of project management to their change process, such as allocating resources, producing plans, appointing a project manager and a steering body. It is important that discussed managing change principles should be part and parcel of the project objectives.

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