Free «Hospitality Management» Essay Sample

Hospitality Management

Looking for a place to spend one’s vacations, customers do not want to waste their time sitting in different travel agencies and listening to all the information travel agents want to tell them. It’s obviously easier to find such a company via Internet and choose the best for you tour directly on the website. The customer finds what he wants and gets time to consider all pros and cons of such a tour, transfers money and is ready to travel.

One of the companies that provide you with all the needed information about the tour and give you opportunity to save time and money and make the reservations directly through the website is Funjet Vacations.

The website catches the eye of visitor with colourful pictures and advertisements of last minute deals. The design of website as human’s clothes makes first impression and that impression is really inviting. Design attracts customers and gives wide range of information about different ways to spend vacation in the United States and abroad.

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The company offers tours to South-American and European countries. It gives opportunity to choose vacation type, hotel rates and prices and all the detailed information about the tour the customer had chosen, about amenities, polices and activities the hotel provides.

The effectiveness of the website is achieved also with the help of wide range of the available photo and video information that is often updated, what can not be done by travel agent and advertising booklet.

The website is easy to use, so the customers aged from 16 and higher can make the reservations without facing obstacles. The other positive moment while using the website for booking, is opportunity to make ones order being far away from the agency’s office, so people from different corners of the United States and even the World, who values time and money, can profit by it.

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