Free «Origins of the Relational Database Model» Essay Sample

Origins of the Relational Database Model

The relational database model for management is a database model based on first order predicate logic and designed to enable specifying data and queries for large shared databases with a standardized system by which data is stored, processed, and retrieved. This model was first outlined in 1969 by Edgar Codd, a British mathematician and IBM researcher as he was searching for new ways to handle large shared databases. In June of 1970 Codd created the Relational Model of Data for Large Databases. This model was further developed by Chris Date while he was working for IBM. Date also demonstrated how this model can incorporate certain chosen object-oriented features.

There exist a substantial number of relational database management products in the market today. Some of them are MS Access, MS Visual FoxPro, FilemakerPro, Avanquest, Firebird, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, UniData and Unisys RDMS 2200. Some of these products may use special programming languages depending on the target user. PHP programming language works well with MySQL as it manipulates information appearing on website.

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The standard programming language in relational database management products is structured query language or SQL. It is a standard programming language used for retrieving and maintaining a database. SQL is a shared approach for retrieving information from a database and updating it. This programming language was standardized in 1986 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), as well as its succeeding updates in 1989, 1992, and 1999. The ANSI is a voluntary organization that formulates standards for the information technology industry.

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