Free «Designing a Marketing Strategy» Essay Sample

Designing a Marketing Strategy


St Andrews English training is a company that offers opportunities for many people to learn their business English and further golf training .This allows people to learn more and have experience especially in presentation and conversation. The aim of the company is to penetrate its training and services in the Italian market .English and golf training can be penetrated in the Italian market through the following ways:

Since there are no websites in the Italian markets they can first be introduced and people taught on how to use them and their importance. Golf training can be accessed through the web; this can be made possible in areas such as YouTube where the games are watched live. The photos of golf training can be displayed in the first pages as one opens certain websites e.g. Google and yahoo. They can be encouraged to join face book and become fans of golf site. Theface book golf fans encourage one another on the importance of the game hence making moreItalians join it and like it. Through this network promotional information and pictures are posted where the viewers will get them. The fans can also be motivated to login without charges. This can mostly assist the golf training photos. In other social networks like yahoo and twitter details on the English language can be posted and the importance of learning it.

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Programmes such as Casino affiliate can be found, this allows earning extra income generation in the website. Since it affiliates marketers to merge and do business together and promotes the different internet worldwide. The company can advertise its services through the Google hence indicating their cost this will enable many Italians to know about it. Creation of a face book account can also assist, since a profile of golf group player will be created and add the Italian people who are fans to the group. This would allow them to learn more about the game and also the company. Media advertisement can be applied and encourage more people to join the company.

Italian chambers of commerce allow national and international companies of Italy to provide information, news and tasks and exchange of goods and services. To break the language barrier some of the Italians may be required to learn English for effective communication during the transactions. Italians who may open businesses in countries such as UK and America may be required to learn English in advance to allow effective communication during business transactions. The company will have a chance to introduce the golf game to the few who will be in business and by influence many others may end up joining them and spread the importance of the game.

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Through the motivational management and training companies partnership can be created with other companies which are interested in cooperation. The members will develop interest in the game of golf and through this the company will have achieved its goal and penetrated in the Italian market without investing. This might even influence the whole country. Another strategy is by use of online access; this involves looking for targeted Italian managers email addresses and sends them newsletters about the company and the services it offers including the learning involved.

Initiation of travel agency in the company for luxury trips can offer the possibility to promote the company as a place where people can play golf and learn English. Since there will be travelling across the world it will end up penetrating into many countries hence creating many customers. Finally the company will spread and achieve its goals.

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In conclusion if the company is in a position of employing the above strategies it will be in a position of penetrating into the market and sustain a large portfolio of customers. However, the paper does not restrict the company to undertake only the mentioned strategy but it should consider other crucial strategies outside the mentioned ones.

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