Free «Internet and Digital Media» Essay Sample

Internet and Digital Media

Internet refers to a global network that facilitates the connection between millions of computers. It helps countries to share data, opinions, news and discoveries (Illingworth 6). Social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace have grown due to the Internet. Digital media refers to electronic media that represent and store data in form of digital codes. Examples of digital media include flash disks and digital video. Internet and digital media have helped in improving the life of the society by enhancing easy access to information and providing entertainment.

Internet and digital media have contributed to easy access to information resources. Research materials that students can use while conducting their studies are available on the Internet. In addition, it provides scientific information after the launch of new technological innovative products. Using search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, people are able to know whether policy makers have introduced new laws or amended existing laws (Illingworth 10). Students are also able to know the schedule of their courses by searching their courses from the Internet. Digital media has also enabled public access to information resources. It easy to receive digital information using smart phones and computers; it has enabled students to store and access information on assignments and research topics. Moreover, people can share information from their digital media devices using cloud computing.

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Digital media and Internet provide different types of entertainment to the public. People can surf websites such as YouTube and watch latest music videos released by musicians. Moreover, Internet has enabled people to listen to online music and watch TV channels. Recently, theaters are now streaming latest movies through the Internet. Due to online games, game lovers can play video games with opponents from all over the world. Digital media also facilitates entertainment since it has enabled easy storage of music and games using devices, such as laptops and iPhones. You may also copy movies into your iPad and watch them while travelling (Ingraham 4).

To conclude, digital media and Internet have helped in improving the life of the society by enhancing easy access to information.. Digital media and Internet also provide entertainment by facilitating access to and storage of latest music and movies.

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