Free «Effective Administrator» Essay Sample

Effective Administrator

Basic personal skills of effective administrator are in the focus of the chosen article. The main emphasis is put on the perception of the good manager as the person with needed kinds of skills rather than a person with ideal initial traits. According to Katz (1974) these three basic skills that identify successful executive are: technical, human, and conceptual.

Technical skills required deep knowledge of performed activity including individual methods, procedures, techniques and tools. These skills are vital for the managers of company’s low levels because they are responsible for the accurate fulfillment of the specific area of work.

Manager with highly developed human skills is an efficient team player and team work organizer. He creates an atmosphere of free thoughts exchange inside a team that promote creativity inflow and comprehensive decision-making. Ideal administrator understands the difference between his own strengths, views and perceptions and the subordinates behaviour. He leads, unites, inspires, motivates, understands and supports his team with the aim to achieve established goals.

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Regarding the conceptual skills it is worth mentioning that these types of skills are crucial for the top managers and the higher level of company’s structure. As Katz (1974) argues that skilled executive perceive the organization as a whole, “crystallize” the interrelationship of all elements, functions and tasks within the organization. Manager can predict and evaluate the consequences of change in each element of this correlation chain, estimates the business objectives and vision clearly. The author puts an emphasis on the interdependence of conceptual skills using and results of decisions taken.

Katz underlines the importance of educational programs for the executives as he points that all these three skills are not necessarily given at birth but can be developed. This three-skill approach described by Katz is essential for each project where administrator must lead his team and take balanced and thoughtful decisions.

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