Free «Lodging Industry» Essay Sample

Lodging Industry

After watching the video, I am both embarrassed and disappointed at the lack of safety and security in the hotel industry. I am sure this does not only happen in the US but in many places in the world as well. It is a very critical issue since travelers trust the security and safety of their life and belongings to the hotel staff while staying there. Everybody involved or working in the hotel industry should be able to keep that trust. If they cannot identify possible criminal behavior then just keep the client safe by getting all the names of those who are staying in the room and the possible visitors. Nobody should be allowed in the room without a proper identification card. I cannot think of a reason why incidents such as these are not reported in the daily news. They should be reported to make the people aware of this modus operandi. I also understand that we have to be service-minded in this industry and that we need to please our clients. However, pleasing the clients does not mean damaging the property. So to ensure that clients are pleased and are safe, all the hotel staff should have rules that must be strictly complied.

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