Free «Management Sciences» Essay Sample

Management Sciences

Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC) is the leading operator of the major aviation hubs in Abu Dhabi, which are; Al Ain International airport, Delma Island Airport, Abu Dhabi International Airport, Al Banteen Executive Airport, and Sir Bani Yas Island Airport. It is a public joint stock company which is owned exclusively by the Abu Dhabi Government, Gosling, G. (2011). Board team, chaired by H.E. Khalifa Al MazroueiH.E., represents the company.  The company is also supported by the Executive team lead by James E. Bennett, as the company’s CEO. ADAC has been incorporated by the Amiri Decree Number 5, which was issued on March 4, 2006 (Kawad S.  and Panos D.,2010).

The company took over management and operation of the Al Ain and Abu Dhabi international airports upon its foundation in 2006. Since then, it has added to its portfolio other airports. By the end of 2008, it had included; the Al Bateen Executive Airport, the region’s first dedicated to business aviation airport, Delma Island and Sir Bani Yas Airports which are in the Western region. In total, ADAC owns and operates five airports (Gosling, G.,2011). It also has two check-in facilities: Abu Dhabi International Airport City Check-in, downtown the city, and the airport Expo Check-in at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, (Kawad S. and Panos D., 2010).

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ADAC has groups of subsidiaries and companies, such as; Abu Dhabi Cargo Company, Abu Dhabi Airport services, Abu Dhabi Hospitality Company, Abu Dhabi In-Flight catering, Abu Dhabi Duty Free and Gulf Centre for Aviation Studies (Kawad S. and Panos D., 2010).

There has been a tremendous growth of the company during the years. A continued increase in the passenger, as well as cargo, reaching +7.3% and +7.0%, respectively has been witnessed. Al Bateen saw the commercial movements grow by 36%. In 2009, Abu Dhabi International Airport was handling 10 million passengers and up to 50 airlines, serving more than 80 cities of 46 countries in the world. There are anticipations for the number of passengers transiting through this Airport alone to reach 20 million annually come the year 2015 (Kawad S. and Panos D., 2010).

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With this effect, there are big completed and ongoing expansions in the airports. For example, Abu Dhabi international airport is designed to increase its capacity to about 27 million passengers annually. For this reason, a second runway and a third terminal have been completed. In the next few years, a new Air Traffic Control (ATC) tower will be completed alongside a midfield complex. Al Ain International Airport is also undergoing the expansion. In a joint collaboration with Mubadala Aerospace, it aims to gain an international recognition, to become the center of excellent aviation technology and innovation in the region, (Gosling, G., 2011). On the other hand, Al Bateen Executive Airport is also undergoing thr development plans to establish itself as a hub for the fast growing business aviation industries in the region.

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More driving factors favoring the development of ADAC is the unbeatable expansion of the national carrier Etihad Airways. The national carrier has remarkably grown and expanded its services to more destinations (Gosling G., 2011).

 Its willingness to join hands with other carriers has brought the excellent performance. Moreover, the existing carriers have been improved by adding the new destinations, frequencies and upgrading schedules.

Another important stimulant to this rapid growth is the launch of the 2030 vision by the Abu Dhabi government at the beginning of the century. It envisions to making Abu Dhabi the world’s sustainable city with business, tourism and leisure activities. This reason makes a basis for the inevitable growth of the air travel industry. A grown city must have a developed international airport to handle its air travels.

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In tally, Abu Dhabi is spending about US$ 500 bn. to undertake several projects which aid in vibrancy of the ADAC. Such developments as the Ferrari World theme park, Guggenheim and Louvre museums and Saadiyat Island championship Golf of course are the key projects which have led to increasing in business and office development, retail and residential amenities and the continued need for travel.

For a more competitive service delivery, ADAC is ensuring that it has a perfect blend of passengers from all over the world all the year round. This will prevent the over-dependence only on a certain type of passengers. Among the Abu Dhabi’s benefits is the competitiveness in the major passenger sub-sectors, including tourism, business and leisure (Ghobrial A., 2009).

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The developments are generated to tally with the developments in the city through the continued high service standards and the capacity increase that would cater to the increased demand on the air transport services (Ghobrial. A., 2009).

Apart from the air travel, ADAC provides other services. These include; commercial and training services to airlines, operators and other aviation-related businesses, either directly or through its diverse subsidiaries. It also offers other aviation-related and aeronautical developments to its airports with the aim to increase the traffic volumes in its five airports. It is offering the remarkable packages for the aiding in handling of cargo and passenger carriers, as well as excellent catering services, Ghobrial, A. (2009).

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ADAC has received many prestigious awards. In 2010, the company received 16 local, regional and international recognitions for its quality service delivery. Since then, it has been getting more awards in relation to its commendable marketing, training and corporate responsibility (Ashford N., and Messaoud B., 2009).


To conclude, the number of airplanes that Abu Dhabi airport will be arrived at by adding the total number of single engine, multiple engines, jet engines, helicopters and etc. For the tabulated results in the anticipated total will, therefore, be 393, 423 and 456 for the years 2017, 2022 and 2027. This will have the capacity to transport 360180, 403080 and 451680 for the years 2017, 2022 and 2027 which are anticipated based on the table 1 in the spread sheet (Federal Aviation Administration, 2010).

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Based on the management Science model of the excel document, the Abu Dhabi company airport is anticipating the growth of 3.1%, 3.4%, 4.1% respectively for 2017, 2022 and 2027 for the passengers emplacements. Commercial Operation, on the other hand, anticipates a growth of 3.4%, 3.8% and 4.3% for the years 2017, 2022 and 2027 respectively. Putting them together, the total operations anticipated in the years 2017, 2022 and 2027 will be 3.1%, 3.7% and 4.2% respectively. This implies that in the year 2027, the airport will have a commercial growth of 40.2%, in comparison to that of 2009, where the commercial growth was 36%.

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