Free «Moving Beyond the Barriers to Change» Essay Sample

Moving Beyond the Barriers to Change

Various factors affect the success of an organization. Some of these factors include the management structure and the culture of an organization. They both affect the manner in which activities ought to be conducted. Several factors affect the type of culture practiced by a particular company. This includes the personality of the founder, existing administrative practices, values set by an organization (Beerel 2009, p.34).

The management structure of an organisation offers the framework and hierarchical arrangement of lines of authority in a firm. The structure elaborates the roles to be played by all employees. The success of an organisation largely depends on the type of management structure that exists in an organization (Stevenson 2008, p.123). The decision making model in an organization is effected according to the structure of management that an organisation uses. This is because the right management structure propagates the business in the achievement of its goals. Therefore, all employees have to play their roles as outlines by the management structure for the organization to work in synchrony towards the achievement of its goals (Swanson, Territo, and Taylor 2005, p.444).

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Change management will be significant since the promotion to a senior contracts manager changes the sphere of influence in the organization’s management. The new position serves a larger geographical area and staff in relation to the previous position. Organisational change will facilitate the smooth transition to the position (Tompkins 2005, p.268).

The components of an effective management system include the clear definition of tasks and delegates the tasks, coordinate the functions of the organisation, and create an elaborate influence in the functions of an organization (Hofsted and Minkov 2007, p.333).

Culture refers to the system of shared values as well as beliefs that go ahead to actively influence the behaviour of the members of a firm. Various types of cultures exist in a business. They include role cultures, task cultures and power cultures. The role cultures show the programs in an organization that outline the framework within which each employee is to work. Task culture deals with the obligation that is bestowed to each employee. Power cultures deal with the flow of power right from top management to the lowest form of employment that exits in an organization. Organizational culture affects productivity. Culture gives an organization the competitive advantage over other companies since determines the productivity and the innovative nature of employees in an organization (Schein 2010, p.22).

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The culture of an organization reflects the conscious and unconscious choices in a business. Culture also shows the behavioural patterns in an organisation and the various forms of vices that might be practiced in an organisation. It is therefore evident that culture affects the image of an organisation and the manner in which the employees conduct themselves. The culture of an organisation affects the commitment of the workers to attainment of set goals. It takes time to institute a particular cultural practice since it requires time to conform (Hellriegel and Slocum 2010, p. 677).

Culture is bound to change over time and therefore organisations need to find modalities that they can use to sustain the cultural practices that are relevant while at the same time rid the cultural practices that seem not to favour the success of the organisation. In addition, new cultural practices could be introduced to enable the organisations realise success. The implementation of cultural change is necessary in an organisation since it facilitates the achievement of success (Pritchett 2007, p.78).

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Management of the change process will be vital in this organization. Change is always an ongoing process in any business. Change in the management of an organization is one of the changes bound to occur in an organization. Change management plays a very important role in the achievement of the goals of an organisation (Pritchett 2009, p.33).

The management of change is guided by principles. The principles aim at ensuring the gains made by the organisation are sustained and at the same time gives room for new changes that are beneficial to be introduced into the organization. The principles (Senior and Swailes 2010, p.445) to be used in effecting change include:

  • The employees should support the change.
  • Understanding where goals and expectation of the business.
  • Understanding the impact and the effect that change has to the organisation
  • Communication

The success of the new company requires the embracing of organizational change. Organizational change will enable the organisation to align its activities towards the achievement of the laid out goals (Warner 2010, p.245).

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Successful implementation of change ought to be done in a synchronised and organised manner. The change process in an organisation occurs in three phases. The three phases include:

Phase One

The first phase entails the preparation being made for the change process to commence. This phase entails the preparation, assessment, and formulation of the right strategies to be used in instituting change (Hiatt and Creasey 2003, p.45).

Phase Two

This involves the management of the change that has been instituted. It entails the creation of detailed plans as well as the implementation of change (Nelson and Aaron 2005 p.67).

Phase Three

The third phase entails the gathering of data, making necessary changes and recognising the changes that have been put in place by members of the organisation (Luecke 2003, p.123).

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The process of establishing change in an organisation talks various steps. The first step towards the embracing of organisational change is the alignment of the management structures to suit the activities of the firm. This means the organisation has to adopt an administrative structure that is advantageous. For instance, there will be a need to restructure the management structure of the business. The organisations management has to be restructured from autocratic leadership and instituting a democratic form of leadership (Bridges and Bridges 2009, p.233). Therefore, the employees will work freely without any fear of intimidation or threat. The management system should also be changes from hierarchical to adopt the fishnet organisational model. The fishnet model enables the organisation to meet the immediate demands of the organisation and at the same time encourage long-term flexibility in the business (Hitchcock and Willard 2009, p.44).

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The second step in instituting change in the organisation will involve the building of a team. It is only through teamwork that each employee appreciates the contribution of another in the realisation of the company’s goals. Teamwork enhances the easier coordination of activities. This will be vital to the organisation since the new position has increased the geographical coverage (Dunphy, Griffiths, and Benn 2007, p.122). The creation f a team will also foster the commitment of the employees towards the organisation. The organisation harnesses the potential of each employee since the potentials in the employees are different. This blend of skills is what will enable the organisation to achieve its goals (Hitchcock and Willard 2008, p.125).

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The communication avenues should also be well established in the organisation. Effective communication enables the organisation to be guided in terms of the execution of various duties and obligations. The communications within an organisation should be synchronised and directed towards the coordination of the activities within the organisation. Effective communication will foster a collective approach in the realisation of the organisations objectives (Beerel 2009, p.66).

Another step of attaining successful change entails the empowerment of the employees. Empowered employees are beneficial to the organisation the organisation will be able to gain from the innovation and effective decision-making that will emanate from the empowerment of the employees (Doppelt 2010, p.45).

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In conclusion, the structure of an organisation and its culture are relevant components of success. Effective use of the structures of management and culture is necessary in meeting the goals of an organisation. Change in management if bound to take place in an organisation at any time. The effective management of change enables the organisation to sustain itself during this transitional period.

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