Free «National Academy of Public Administration Organization» Essay Sample

National Academy of Public Administration Organization


The National Academy of Public Administration is a non-partisan independent organization that was established in 1967 by Congress. The main aim of its creation was to assist leaders in the public sector to evaluate, analyze, anticipate and forward recommendations on matters that affected management and public governance. It provides direction on key public management matters as a result of the grants it receives regularly from private foundations and contracts from government agencies.

Organizational Management Systems

A vertical management system is one where a clear division of authority can be seen. Authority moves downwards from the leader (chairman, or chief executive officer) of the organization to the directors, middle level managers, other administrators and finally to the employees. This system has been known to increase the performance and satisfaction of employees.

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A horizontal or flat management system is one that depends on cross departmental communication to aid in the running of the organization (Albers, n.d). It is a flat structure since there are fewer tiers of management. It is based on the belief that, workers who are less supervised but more involved in the decision making process are more effective than those who are supervised closely. The structure makes the organization less bureaucratic since workers have the power to make some of the decisions on their own without necessarily having to consult immediate supervisor.

Diagonal management can be defined as the management system that involves managers communicating and working together with employees who are not at the same level or department.

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Organizational Chart

The organizational chart is more vertical than horizontal with an extent of diagonal organization and minimal horizontal or flat management. This can be seen clearly from the flow of the chart. From the chain of command, the vertical management style is seen, where the CEO answers to the board of governors and the director of project development and the director of oversight and delivery and fellow relations answer to him.

Another example of vertical management is where the project directors, advisors and associates answer directly to the director of oversight and delivery who answers to the CEO directly. The analysts answer to the directors of project development and oversight and delivery. Diagonal management style is seen where the director of IT and HR, the General Counsel, and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) are linked to the CEO. The only example of the horizontal management style is the connection between the CFO and the contracts manager.

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Analysis of the Organization

The organization can be termed as a tall organization due to its reliance on the vertical management structure (Huebsch, 2012). It can also be deduced that it is an established organization with a large work force where a formal style of management and hierarchy is followed as can be seen by the flow of order from the CEO to the research associates.

From the chart, we can also learn that the company has a good structure for the designation of tasks between the employees and various departments. Due to their adoption of the vertical management style mainly it can be concluded that the organization's employees have well defined responsibilities, thus making them easier to manage.

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In the same way, due to this system, it can be concluded that the organization has more red tape (bureaucracy) and it costs the organization more to maintain the managers than it would if they were in the horizontal management where costs of maintaining employees is less.

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