Free «Opinion on Enterprise Resource Planning» Essay Sample

Opinion on Enterprise Resource Planning

Since the advent of computer systems, almost every aspect of human life has changed gradually. Computer is a utility that greatly contributes to the performance of various operations. In fact, certain necessities are met by computer systems accordingly. It is evident that educational institutions have adopted these systems to create documents, keep records, etc. Moreover, computer systems are connected with the development of life even with regards to the corporate world. Many business organizations can attest that a computer is a part of the asset any individual should have.

Concerning the utility of computer systems in business organizations, these systems are primarily used in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). According to Leon, ERP is a set of techniques and concepts used for integrating and automating business functions that as a result improve the efficiency of the business management (Leon 14). In any commercial or industrial enterprise, business functions include purchasing, procurement, design, quality test and control, delivery, inventory management, and more. I suppose that to perform all these functions, information should be managed well. This also applies to the following fields; sales management, production management, human resource management, data management, and accounting and financial affairs within the organization. In fact, bill of materials, work orders, scheduling, work flow, manufacturing projects, manufacturing flow, and other management-related matters should never slow manufacturing performances. Thus, a well-integrated system that passed through ERP from the first business process to the last is an essential requirement.

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The ERP system software not only integrates all of the business processes of an organization, especially the major ones, but also makes everything work faster. As mentioned earlier, it deals with the information involved in all business transactions and throughout the manufacturing processes. Therefore, I think that completing any business operation could be done easier and faster due to ERP.

The ERP system is an essential necessity for every organization. The organization will surely find it difficult to function without it. Furthermore, ERP insures proper communication, productivity, and sufficiency.

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