Free «Relocation of Employees» Essay Sample

Relocation of Employees

Relocation of employees to a new work environment is one of the most challenging tasks that a human resource manager is faced with in any given organization. In the case of this company that is relocating to a new city, one of the major challenges that the company will face is the opposition from employees who are not comfortable to relocate to a new location due to the inconveniences that will result from relocation on their families. In order t o make the relocation process a success the HR manager has two options in this case that he can use to address the relocation problem given the scenario that the company is in at the moment.

One of the options available is to rely on the volunteers. The HR director can decide to allow the employees to relocate with the company to the new location or not. The merits of this method are that it is cost effective and reduces complaints among the employees who see it as a form of fair treatment. The disadvantage of this method is that the company is likely to loose most of its talented employees and end up with those who are less talented. The second option that is available to the company is to identify employees with capabilities that are needed to run the company in the new environment and relocate with them. The merits of this option is that it will reduces the cost of recruiting new employees and it will enable the company to be left only with employees who are productive and with the required skills and experience to keep the company running. One of the major disadvantages of this method is that it may be time consuming compared to the other options available.

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The best method of relocating employees of the company in the current scenario is to use the second option of identifying employees with the capabilities needed to help the company in the new city. This option is the best because it will help the company retain employees who will be useful in building its loyalty and brand image in the new city.

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