Free «Managed Care Effect on Physician Incentives» Essay Sample

Managed Care Effect on Physician Incentives

Managed care on physicians’ incentives

Managed care institutions are important in the medical sector as they provide incentives and methods of medical care to physicians through their medical insurance plans that is helping patients to reduce the cost of their medical expenses when the need arise.

Issue on the managed care effect

 The managed care effect is coupled with an issue of compromising the quality of medical care that the physicians could provide to the patients rendering it ineffective in two identified ways; The managed care has come up with unethical practice of rewarding physicians who are able to reduce medical expenses from their incentives thereby providing inadequate medical care to patients so that the physicians will demand less incentives from them. Secondly, the managed care has compromised the quality of medical care by increasing their monthly premiums that most customers changed for the cheaper options instead of the best which are much expensive to sustain, in addition, the managed care institutions do not explain to their clients the contents of various products they offer including the exclusion.

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Remedies to the managed care effect issue

Eyebrows had been raised by so many people who had misgiving opinions about the relationship that exist between the managed care effect and the physicians, proposing some of the possible solutions to the issues raised. The fist possible solution to the problem of high premiums and medical exclusions is to come up with a policy that explains all the medical premiums requirements, their benefits and exclusions so that all the managed care clients understands the terms and conditions of different medical products.

Subsequently, there should be a strategy of ensuring that the managed health cares are under check from limiting doctors to offer expensive treatment and expertise referrals which will make a better quality of treatment, this can be done by fist encouraging physicians to practice medical norms of helping the patient by offering the best quality treatment. The physicians will therefore form a larger network that discourages receipts of rewards from the managed care institutions thereby improving the operations of managed care effect.

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