Free «Selecting Keywords for a Scannable Resume» Essay Sample

Selecting Keywords for a Scannable Resume

The purpose of a resume is to assist you getting the right job. However, there are various job openings which require uploading a scannable resume for which the most important tip is to use appropriate keywords. Scannable text resumes facilitate the human resources department of the recruiter to scan the resumes in their databases.

The first step is to make a list of the appropriate keywords for your resume. Be careful in selecting the keywords for your resume. Since the document will be electronically saved, it would be a higher probability of your resume being selected if it contains the keyword appropriate for that particular job. The higher the number of matching keywords in the resume the higher the probability of your resume being selected (Mayer, 2011).

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The question is where to find the right keywords for a particular job? In most job positions, a brief or a detailed job description is present. Using these job descriptions you can pull out suitable keywords for your resume. Having a look at the corporate website and the list of current employee profiles for the similar position, might be of great help.

The next step is to use these keywords properly throughout your resume in an effective manner. It has been advised to use a proper keyword at the very beginning of your resume giving it a higher chance of getting selected for the job position. The career objectives section of your resume should contain these keywords for sure in order to support your efforts to summarize your qualifications and skills. The keywords use throughout the resume should be considered as an important task (Rosenberg, 2007).

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Finally, review your resume before submitting. There should be no formatting and grammatical errors. Standards of writing should be met. You can then save your resume to be used for appropriate job applications.

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