Free «Yolo Colorhouse» Essay Sample

Yolo Colorhouse

What do they believe in? (mission/philosophy)

Yolo Colorhouse is a company that provides a premium paints that are environmentally friendly and have attractive and standard color palettes. The company connects with the entire community and play artists’ role in ensuring that the engineered paints meet the needs of the society. In addition, Yolo Colorhouse acts as a corporate environmentalist in the society by ensuring that its action does not affect the wellbeing of humanity. The company is also dedicated to providing colors that inspire confidence among the customers. In achieving this mission the company employs various creative measures in guaranteeing that its products are preferred over other brands in the market. Producing manufactures to suit the consumers’ needs makes the company products stand out. Yolo Colorhouse embraces social values in its working environment. As a result, the company is socially responsible to the community and has a number of social responsibility programs. Finally, the company’s management believes in doing everything to perfection, and the work force dedicates utmost higher degree of passion to their tasks (Yolo Colorhouse LLC, 2010).

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What is their promise?

The company is dedicated to meeting its client’s needs. As a result, it has invested much in innovation towards producing high quality brands over its competitors. Thus, the company promises the clients maximum satisfaction for purchasing its products. This is because the paints are environmentally friendly and cannot cause any harm to the consumer. Furthermore, due to increased innovation, the company has absolute confidence in its products in terms of quality. Many regulatory boards have certified the products (Yolo Colorhouse LLC, 2010).

Their creation story and history. Include ups and downs, beyond the myth.

The history of Yolo Company dates back to 2005, when two ladies, Virginia Young and Janie Lowe formed the now big organization. The company’s name, Yolo is derived from first two letters of the second names of the founders. Young and Lowe were motivated by the idea of making attractive colors that were useful and environmentally friendly. The company is now world’s most famous in the paint industry. It deals with production of paints that are environmentally friendly. Yolo Colorhouse has over 46 varieties of paints free from any VOC component. The company’s products meet the high standards of the paint industry (Seireeni and Fields, 2009).

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Despite tremendous advancement in the designs of the paints, the company has faced stiff competition from other rival firms. As a result, the management has had to be more stringent in the implementation of sound policies that would see the company’s competitors out of the market (Wilson and Piepkorn, 2008).

What do they love? What inspires them?

The company is set on a mission to make the world colorful with little or no effect to the environment. It has constancy in pursuing its founders’ ideology. For example, the company was the first to receive Green Seal Certification. Green Seal is a non-profit making organization located in Washington. The organization has been in pursuit of identification of companies offering products and services that meet environmental standards. Therefore, environmental awareness motivates the management of the Yolo Colorhouse. Consequently, the company loves to produce its manufactures differently to what the competitors do in the global paint industry (Yolo Colorhouse LLC, 2010).

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What makes the brand unique? Who is their competition and how are they different?

The company has specialized in production of both interior and exterior decoration paints. It is the first to comply Green Seal organization measures of reducing the effect of the paints on the environment. Yolo Colorhouse paints are free from volatile organic compound (VOC). VOC is poisonous to the air. Therefore, the uniqueness of the company’s products is the ability to produce paints without any traceable VOC. Although, some competing companies have imitated the renowned innovation of the Yolo Colorhouse in production of VOC free paints. The paints still capture the customers’ loyalty due to company’s impressive credibility. This is because the credit of the imitating Company is unrecognizable without mentioning of the founder of that innovation (Yolo Colorhouse LLC, 2010).

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In addition, the company offers free education to its esteemed clients making the customers have an upper hand in service delivery and the paint industry. The Yolo color products are also free from formaldehyde, carcinogens, ozone depleting compounds, phthalates, and dangerous air pollutants (Yolo Colorhouse LLC, 2010).

The company has been in the forefront in initiating changes in the paint industry. This is unlike the competitors who have been busy imitating the company’s innovations to protect their competitive power in the market. Some of the major Yolo’s competitors include Kelly-Moore, Benjamin Moore, and Sherman-Williams (Yolo Colorhouse LLC, 2010).

Products lines/ad campaigns/ media presence?

Yolo Colorhouse deals with interior and exterior color decoration. The company offers a variety of color palettes to its clients. In addition, it provides a unique customer service that includes educating the clients on making proper choices of mixing colors (Seireeni and Fields, 2009).

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The company’s activities have captured media attention due to its unique innovation in paint manufacturing. As a result, the company has benefited from the good image created by media personnel in the paint industry. This has enhanced the company’s market share in the paint market (Wilson and Piepkorn, 2008).

Existing spatial and visual language of brand? Strengths and weaknesses of how sold now?

The company’s paint brands have been packaged in attractive containers, which make them distinct from those offered by the competitors. The brand packaging is available in different quantities; giving the consumers a wide variety to choose. Consequently, the brand has a competitive power over rivals (Yolo Colorhouse LLC, 2010).

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Recently the company has invested in customization of its products. It is increasing the level of customized products engineered to meet the individual consumer needs. In creating awareness of these customize products, the company organizes reality shows where it displays its products, thus, creating customer understanding of new products in the market (Seireeni and Fields, 2009).

How do people's homes express their identities and personalities?

Through increased customer service, Yolo Colorhouse has captured customer loyalty towards its products. The company assists the consumers in choosing the color variances for their homes or offices. In addition, it offers its clients poster-size samples of pictures that make them confident in selecting the company’s products. Enhanced customer service, good company image, and presence of quality paints force many people to be loyal customers of the company’s products. As a result, homeowners are increasingly using the company’s products in making both the interior and exterior decorations of their homes (Wilson and Piepkorn, 2008).

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Sustainable and healthy design; color theory/meaning, history of palettes, current color trends

Nowadays, the company has been involved in vigorous innovation in the designing of its paints. The aim of the company is to make a colorful world while preserving the environment. In achieving this objective, the company invented a sustainable and health design of color palettes. The color palettes had to meet environmental standards. As a result, the company has marked a number of tremendous innovations in an attempt of producing products that meet the health objectives while at the same time satisfying the needs of the clients. The color has been changing since the start of the company. The current color trend in the market is Dusk to Dawn (Seireeni and Fields, 2009).

Who are the key target audiences---psychographic?

The company aims at fulfilling the needs of clients who do not want to use products with adverse effect on their health. Therefore, the company’s stakeholders are environmentally responsive individuals; those dedicated in making sure that their actions do not have a negative influence on the environment (Wilson and Piepkorn, 2008).

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How do they define themselves? (Lifestyle/ activities/ sports/ brands/ aspirations/ age/ etc)

The company’s clients are composed of individuals who like colorful decorations. They value artistic works and are ready to give a significant amount of money provided the product meets their needs. As a result, they value high quality brands greatly customized to meet their needs (Wilson and Piepkorn, 2008).

What is the cultural scene of these groups around LA?

The clients of the company are purely motivated by its desire to color the world differently than other people could imagine. These people would want to do things differently, which explains why they are in pursuit of new brands of products all the time (Wilson and Piepkorn, 2008).

Conclusion: Insights and Opportunities

In conclusion, Yolo Colorhouse is one of the busiest and growing corporations in the paint industry. The growth rate is favored by its great image to the esteemed clients who feel good identifying themselves with the company’s success. The culture of investing in innovation is vital in helping the company to achieve its objectives. Therefore, it is pertinent for the company to maintain its core mission of ensuring that it enhances its products while being environmentally responsive. Additionally, tremendous growth is achievable if the company diversifies into different production lines to full reap from its versatile image. This would work towards mitigating the level of risk that is part of any business entity (Yolo Colorhouse LLC, 2010).











Impact of Branding on the Society

Designing for a new is a process that takes time, resources and requires expertise. When designing a brand, many things must be considered. First, the designer should have clear objectives of what the design aims to achieve. This will help in making certain that all functionalities of the brands are incorporated to meet the targeted objectives. Second, the designer should ensure that there are enough resources required in completing the process. This will help in preventing chances of disruption in the course of production. Finally, the designer should consider the effect of the brand on the community. The designer should make all arrangement to eliminate brand properties that could have negative effects to the community (Seireeni and Fields, 2009).

B. Brand Forum: 1 paragraph for consider one brand you would like to work with and post the brand name,an image or logo and website for the brand.

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The brand name that I would be comfortable working with is Interior Primer. This is because I am interested in cool colors. The brand creates attractive interior decoration compared to other color brands. It environmentally friendly as it has zero percentage Volatile Organic Compounds. In addition, the brand has low odor; thus does not contaminate the fresh air in the house. Therefore, due to health, environment, and color consideration, I favor the use of Interior Primer in decoration. However, this does not imply that the other brands of Yolo Colorhouse are inferior. Consumers may choose any brands depending on their preference and their interior drive (Yolo Colorhouse LLC, 2010).

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