Free «A Survey of WiMAX Technology» Essay Sample

A Survey of WiMAX Technology


The letters WiMAX make up the initials for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. This defines a correspondence technology that transmits swift internet access to widespread geographical locations. WiMAX offers data transfer rates of up to 75Mbits/s, which though of better quality in comparison with usual connections, is divided among several users and therefore, operates with lesser speeds. WiMAX can supply homes as well as mobile handset users over entire towns and nations with internet access. The technology used for WiMAX is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing. It is a more efficient technology than the one which was used in 3G in that it allows greater data rates. Most data services provide a collective mobile phone contact, internet access in isolated localities, CD messaging and the convenience of ringtones.

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WiMAX technology exists in two forms base stations and antennas (Ahson and Ilyas, 2007). Service providers in order to deploy the technology over the intended area, install the base stations. The antennas are installed in homes. Technology looks to find a way to install built in versions within personal computers. Consumers will then be able to pay a fee in order to have their internet downloaded via WiMAX. 

WiMax Overview

WiMAX technology will offer pure packet changed services with no need to sustain the circuit switching services necessary for voice coordination. Broadband refers to the speed of connection that brings about internet access. When there are more subscribers than a neighborhood access network can handle, the resultant sluggish transmission cannot be defined as broadband.  WiMAX has a broadband speed that facilitates a quick mobile, internet access by devices like Smart phones and laptops. A fourth generation wireless technology is an effective and economical alternative to the costly DSL broadband system.

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High-speed broadband is a requirement for achieving success in businesses today. Without it, both individuals and businesses run the risk of falling behind, as far as acquisition of crucial information is concerned. Teleconferencing has been made possible by the availability of bigger bandwidths and faster connection to the web. One needs high-speed broadband to pay bills, chat, and shop online. In addition, industries need the same speedy service in order to vend objects and advertise themselves online. They also need to remain connected to current clients and seek ways of reaching other potential ones.  Finally, companies require a rapid internet link in order to maintain vigilance over their stock and see how competitively their commercial enterprises are achieving.

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WiMAX also offers uncapped data bundles that ensure that an individual has unrestricted access to all the information he wishes to download. The fact that no fixed lines are required to install it means that there will be no interruptions occasioned due to theft of cables. Presence of various internet filters and advanced encryption types also ensures that there is a maximum security for data transfer.

The present WiMAX broadband system provides up to 40Mbps and can skyrocket to 1Gbps. Broadband is delivered via different technologies. These determine the speed of internet access. The quality of the information one receives on their computer will be determined by speed. Delays or skips on the monitor simply indicate that the connection cannot handle the speeds, at which the material is being delivered to the computer screen and therefore, has to hold back data.  Thus, it becomes important to have a fast connection in order to enjoy and coordinate whatever it is that one is watching.

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There are two different factors to consider, when measuring that speed. Bandwidth refers to the conduit through which the data is travelling. A large bandwidth will permit more data to travel efficiently. This will also increase the speed of travel. There is no disparity in uploading or accessing information, apart from the route of the data transmission.

Speedy information transfer software is intended to relocate digital files, whether documents, imagery or videos more rapidly than in the customary transfer procedures. Some file transfer programs are for uploading and downloading files to the web. Others move files between computers or from computers to other memory storing devices, such as smart phones. The operation of different programs is dependent upon files being shifted and their destination. Some function by compressing and decompressing data at the origin and destination respectively. There are programs that cut files into smaller pieces and then reassemble them.

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Lastly, there are programs that capitalize on the pace of conveyance in high velocity procedures by escalating the effectiveness of the flow or by use of diverse categories of transfer clients. Programs that operate between networked computers are especially useful in exchange of the data between users.

QoS (Quality of Service)

WiMAX radios support very dynamic QoS facilities. Device capability has revealed client aspiration to use more loaded media substance, such as video, which is something that the in capabilities of previous devices hid. Many elements of wireless transmission affect the quality of signal. These depend on the data being transmitted. When networks must handle blended traffic, the polling mechanism is crucial in ensuring that the data traffic is not optimized at the cost of voice.

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Video conduction is comparable. On the other hand, the data packs do not require principally small latencies and yet cannot tolerate transmission inaccuracies. WiMAX partly realizes this by transferring variable span Protocol Data Units (PDUs). This is fundamentally the data packet range in the physical layer. It can be pooled in bursts to circumvent signaling overhead. WiMAX expertise supports an assortment of well-organized polling systems that dealers and users can opt for. These include a defined contact cycle, grouping of radios in contact groups and allowing customer radios to generate a brief signal, which indicates that a transmission cycle is necessary. The aspects above solve multiple problems resulting in improved Qos abilities. Quality of service is significant for the demarcating the least bandwidth intensities for VoIP sessions. Multi Duplexing support also adds a significant flexibility to WiMAX; these are qualifications not before sustained by broadband wireless expertise.

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The physical layer of WiMAX (PHY) is based on the IEEE 802.16 standards and is designed with much influence from WiFi. Though many aspects of the two technologies are dissimilar due to the alternate functions of their purpose and application, a number of their fundamental structures are very comparable. Like WiFi, WiMAX is founded on the doctrine of orthogonal frequency divisional multiplexing, OFDM. This is an appropriate modulation contact modus operandi for non line-of-sight (LOS) circumstances with elevated data rates. In WiMAX, however, the diverse constraints concerning the physical layer such as quantity of subcarriers are dissimilar as compared to WiFi. This is because the two technologies are estimated to function in disparate conditions.

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In FDM system, signals from multiple submitters are transmitted simultaneously through numerous frequencies. A different data stream modulates every frequency range (sub-carrier). A spacing (guard band) is placed next to subcarriers to avoid a signal overlap. Like FDM, OFDM also uses multiple subcarriers, but they are closely situated to each other and do not cause interference. This is possible, because the subcarriers (frequencies) are orthogonal. This means that the crest of one sub carrier is next to the null of the bordering sub carrier. In an OFDM structure, an elevated rate data flow is split into numerous corresponding short rate data tributaries. Each data rivulet is then charted to information sub carriers and amended using Phase Shift Keying or Quadrature Amplitude Modulation.











 OFDM requires a lesser amount of bandwidth than FDM to bring the same quantity of data, which translates to elevated spectral competence. Besides this, an OFDM arrangement such as WiMAX is more pliant in a non line-of-sight situation. It can resourcefully trounce the intrusion and rate of recurrence, which is discriminatory fading caused by multipath. This will come about as equalizing is done on a subset of subcarriers instead of a single broader carrier. The outcome of Inter Symbol Interference is concealed by the high caliber of a longer symbol interlude of the corresponding OFDM subcarriers.

Like OFDM, OFDMA utilizes numerous narrowly spaced sub carriers, which, in this case, are separated into clusters of other sub carriers. Each assemblage is classified as a sub channel. The sub carriers that outline a sub channel do not need to be adjoined. In the downlink, a sub-channel may be utilized for diverse receivers. For the uplink, the transmitter can take up one or more sub channels. Subchannelization describes sub channels that can be billed to subscriber stations depending on their channel circumstances and statistics requirements. Using subchannelization, a mobile WiMAX base station can allocate more transmitted power to user devices with lower signal to noise ratio and less power to those with a higher signal to noise ratio. Subchannelization also enables the base station to allocate superior power to sub channels allotted to indoor user procedures. This efficient adjustments lead to better internal coverage.  Subchannelization in the uplink can save a user device transmitting power. This is because it can concentrate power on only certain sub channels allocated to it. This power saving feature is particularly useful, especially for battery powered user devices. As revealed in advance, in the frequency realm, each OFDM symbol is formed by charting the progression of codes on the sub carriers. WiMAX has three classes of sub carriers.

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(a) Data carriers are used for carrying data symbols.

(b) Pilot sub carriers are primarily for transmitting pilot symbols. The pilot symbols are identified as priori and can be used for channel assessment and trailing.

(c) Null sub carriers have no power allocated to them, to avert any infiltration effects or surfeit power draw at the amplifier. No power is billed to the safeguard sub carrier toward the edge of the spectrum. This is to reduce the interference between the adjacent channels.

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