Free «Digital Education» Essay Sample

Digital Education

Since the invention of the internet and the World Wide Web (WWW), the teaching profession has undergone drastic changes with pressures from legal, social, ethical and security issues. Teachers are faced by a diverse spectrum of complex problems in order to effectively integrate technology in classroom. Their knowledge of the legal, social and ethical issues relating to technology adoption in class room is inevitable. The internet is largely in use today in public schools. Pupils are using it extensively to tackle their homework. It is the obligation of their teachers to anticipate legal, social, ethical and security risks that may arise.

For instance, regulations imposed by copyright law and plagiarism with their implications should be well understood by students to avoid any possible infringements of the law. Therefore, introducing students to such legal frameworks may be essential. Teachers may also need to review their role modeling and avoid any stealing or use of illegal software in learning. ICT facilities should be utilized by learners for the legal and ethical purposes in class only.

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It is also essential to prevent learners from stealing, destroying or illegally using ICT facilities or files that may belong to other people. Teachers should ensure the available technology resources are used effectively to empower the learners. Also, those technology resources should be utilized in a safe and healthy manner for the benefit of the all involved. Equitable access to technological resources is of paramount importance to ensure desired impact is achieved regardless of the learner’s background, characteristics and abilities. Teachers’ professional associations are appropriate to join in order to fight some legal frameworks that may seek to inhibit proliferation of technology in class to disseminate knowledge.

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To crown it all, appropriate utilization of ICT facilities and understanding of legal and ethical issues relating to technology in class room is essential to foster digital education in class.

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