Free «Climate Change Turns into Money Problems for Florida Keys» Essay Sample

Climate Change Turns into Money Problems for Florida Keys

This article is about the change in climatic patterns and how this affects the flora and fauna of Florida. Christa Marshall, who first published the article in Climate wire before the Scientific American reprint, details a number of issues that are directly concerned with the state and the changing aspect of the sources of fresh water. The article provides the details about the way the flora in the costal area is getting sparser and the manner in which the wildlife is getting even lesser. It questions the matters that have led to the present predicament and shows the physical proof by detailing abut the Big Pine Key which is disappearing. The article also questions the future of these things and the author poses the question of whether we really can afford to live with the consequences. It also details about the appointees who have been tasked with the provision of recommendations about climate change. Moreover, it wonders whether these plans will hold. Several suggestions, including low-level burning as mitigating factors have been detailed. But the issue of climate change in relation to the state budget is also given preeminence. Inevitably, the article discusses the manner in which people’s preference for better places leads to this effect (Marshall , 2012).

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This article is masterly written which is realized in the vast employment of the imagery and real examples that show the slow degradation of the climatic condition in Florida. As global warming is fast becoming a major concern for all, the insights in the article are not only educative, but also evocative, regarding what we as citizens must do. The article is balanced because it provides three key issues that need to be effectively examined. The problem is identified, the mitigating factors are discussed, and the attitudes of the residents are also depicted. I believe this article has achieved the intended purpose of making any other reader be able to act.

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