Environment essay samples

Free Environment Essay Sample

Air and Water Pollutants essay

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a byproduct of incomplete fuel combustion. The gaseous substance is both colorless and odorless, and since it is a byproduct of fuel combustion, it primarily comes from mobile vehicles (EPA, 2012a). ...

Air Pollution from Cars essay

Air pollution is a threat to human survival in the modern USA. The earliest cause of air pollution can be traced back to the use of fire by man. However, the invention and increase in use of vehicles is also one of the leading causes of air ...

Air Quality and Climate Change as Integrated Policy essay

Climate change and the activity of people are reciprocally affecting each other creating a serious problem. The current situation of air quality and climate change has been describes by the Third Assessment Report of Working Group I of the ...

An Advocation for Clean Air essay

Issues concerning the environmental conditions must never vanish from our concerns. From the years past until today, everybody could attest that the life span of humanity is becoming shortened. The primary cause of this reality is mainly considered ...

Bio-Psycho-Social Assessment of Antonio essay

Bio-psycho-social assessment is used to define how the biological influences, psychological influences and social perspectives determine the behavior of a person. According to this form of assessment, every individual person is a part of the large ...

BP Deepwater Horizon / Macondo essay

Introduction: BP is an oil company. It is the third largest energy-producing corporation in the world. The company’s headquarter is in the United Kingdom. BP is responsible for production and processing of oil. BP also markets, distributes, ...

Carbon Credit Concept essay

INTRODUCTION In the last few decades, the world has witnessed unprecedented climatic changes. The reason for the sky being darkened is attributed to the carbon dioxide that is emitted in the atmosphere. The continued accumulation of carbon dioxide ...

Change of Nature essay

Change in the status of Women since 1900 Exclusive of today’s circumstances, women, since times immemorial have been looked upon as homely persons. Focusing the study on Britain, the British women, likewise women of other nationalities were ...

Climate Change and the Activity of People essay

Climate change and the activity of people are reciprocally affecting each other creating a serious problem of global warming. Every action has drastic effects on both the life of the planet and its inhabitants. We take too much of finite resources, ...

Climate Change Turns into Money Problems for Florida Keys essay

This article is about the change in climatic patterns and how this affects the flora and fauna of Florida. Christa Marshall, who first published the article in Climate wire before the Scientific American reprint, details a number of issues that are ...

Climates of Daytona and Saskatoon Cities essay

Introduction Canada is one of the regions in the world that has attained high economic, social and political development. However, such tremendous achievement can be attributed to one fundamentally factor; climate. Canada is located at latitude 60 ...

Consumerism essay

When the World Trade Centre was attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, the government leaders of the US did not want people to cut back their spending in response to the disaster. They urged people to continue their consumer activities, ...

Continental Drift Theory by Alfred Wegener essay

Geology is a science about the Earth. It studies the upper layers of the Earth’s crust as well as its composition, structure and evolution. Nowadays, geologists examine not only mineral, physical and chemical changes, but also the history of ...

Desert Landforms essay

A desert can be described as a natural area with a flat surface, low amount of precipitation, and absence of any flora and fauna. The deserts cover the entire globe and occupy around 25 percent of it. Unique landscapes of the deserts are combined ...

Destruction of Rainforest essay

Rainforest is the origin of all the water sources of the world; approximately 75 % of the world is covered by water. This explains the importance of water on the organisms of the earth. For example, an adult who weigh an average of 70 kg has ...

Domestic Wastewater Treatment essay

The process of removing contaminants from wastewater is known as sewage treatment or domestic wastewater treatment. A number of processes are used in this regard for treatment of such water, which includes biological, chemical and physical processes ...

Earthquake Information Manual essay

Turkey has a very interesting history. Its regional geological structure is rather complicated, as it consists of mountains, lakes, seas and rivers. Local geology of Istanbul exaggerates because this region is divided into two parts by the Bosporus ...

Earthquakes and Volcanoes essay

Earthquake Earthquakes are some of the most destructive natural disasters. An earthquake consists of rapid vibration of the earth surface. Since its occurrence and enormous capacity is unpredictable by the ordinary human beings, it has been creating ...

Ecological and Heart of Darkness essay

There is a common saying that nature is people`s mother. It gives human natural conditions; it is their home. Nowadays, at the time of ecological crisis, nature suffers from man`s hand. In order to get everything and satisfy basic needs, man ...

Ecosystems essay

An ecosystem is a biological system composed of both living and nonliving units. The biotic components of the ecosystem include different species of fauna and flora. According to Grodzinski (1990), natural systems of the environment include a wide ...

Environmental Conservation essay

Environmental conservation is an activity that man should increasingly become involved in. People need to conserve the environment in order to avert a looming environmental devastation. There are several threats posed to the environment, which ...

Environmental Issues essay

Introduction There has been growing concern over environmental issues: Be it in politics, economics, boardrooms, streets, or education institutions, environmental issues have taken a front seat. One issue that comes up when addressing environmental ...

Evolution essay

Evolution has been debated for many decades. First very slow pace, then over years of geological period, gradually, increase of achievement of small differences. 20th century it was suggested that the biological procedure generates new adoption and ...

Federal Bureaucracy essay

The United States’ government has tasked various federal agencies with addressing the causes and determining the existence of climate change, more specifically global warming. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the country’s ...

Field Project essay

Abstract Conservation of nature is very important. People should preserve the environment we live in and protect it from those who are destroying it for personal gains at all times. The survival of many creatures depends mainly on the state of ...

Fundamental Principles of Environmental Science essay

Defining Environmental Science Environmental Science refers to the branch of science that deals with the study of the relationship between human lifestyle, activities and the environment. In addition, environmental science combines concepts and ...

Genetically Engineered Crops essay

Natural foods are foods that are minimally processed and hence they do not contain any manufactured ingredients such as antibiotics, hormones, food colors, sweeteners or flavors. Examples of natural foods include apples, bananas, oranges, spinach, ...

Global Warming essay

Global warming is when the temperature rises and has an outcome on the living things on earth. It occurs when greenhouse gases example, carbon dioxide, vapor, water and others fetch in warmth and radiance from the sun in the earth’s ...

Global Warming: A False Concept essay

The Oxford Online Dictionary defines global warming as “a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other ...

Global Warming and Alternative Solutions essay

Human life is rife with experiences, both sensational and valuable; that is mostly when one finds it good to live on in a world where life is pleasant and vivacious, getting what you seek and seeking what you get. Climate is one of such gifts that ...

Global Warming and its Effects essay

To start with, it should be ascertained that global warming is the process of gradual increase of the average temperature of the Earth, which is caused by high concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. In 1960s, the global warming ...

Impacts of Economic Growth on Co2 Emissions essay

Q1. Do you think Trinidad and Tobago has a high-environment impact based on the human ecology model where: environment impact equal to pollution *affluence *technology (EI=PxAxT)? Yes, from the case study, it is proved that Trinidad and Tobago ...

Japanese Rubbish Disposal System essay

Introduction Recycling acts as a very crucial role in the global social order. Rubbish is a very big issue and many countries are designing ways that can be used to keep the situation at hand in control. Japan is termed as a model country in issues ...

Natural Resources essay

With the expanding industrialization and development that the world is experiencing today there are immense benefits which can’t be overlooked. However, the opportunity cost for these merits is being seen as nearly over shadowing all the gains ...

No Denying It essay

“No Denying It” illustrates the seriousness of climate change as a means to convince those who doubt the issue of global warming. Moreover, global warming, which used to be a scientific matter, has become a political issue as politicians ...

Oil Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge essay

In the 1950s, George Collins, a National Park Service planner, and Lowell Sumner, a biologist, united efforts and conscripted both the Wilderness Society President, Olaus Murie, and his wife, Margaret Murie, in order to protect this Alaska ...

Plastic Bags essay

Use of plastic bags causes pollution Worldwide, billions and billions of bags are consumed annually. Only one percent of these bags are recycled due to prohibitive recycling costs while the rest are usually end up in oceans and lakes through drains ...

Policy Challenges Presented by Environmental Problems essay

The 21st century brings humanity such challenges as global warming and pollution, loss of biodiversity, lack of clean water and food, lack of energetic resources, exceeding solid and hazardous waste, public land use, etc. These are a few most common ...

Production and Consumption essay

Introduction The human population is growing rapidly, a situation that is affecting the well-being of the planet. The way people produce and consume material resources is another thing that affects the planet Earth. It is evident that production and ...

Report on the Climatology of the Atlantic Basin essay

Introduction It is well known that climate in different areas is very important for ocean. The temperature of the surface layer, evaporation, salinity, horizontal and vertical circulation of water - all this is in direct or indirect connection with ...

Service to Community essay

Service to community and being a good citizen both changed from what it was in the past. Previously, people were not worried about global warming or the environment. As years pass, we are becoming more aware that are actions are truly affecting the ...

Soil Erosion essay

Soil erosion is commonly defined as the process by which there is removal of top soil faster than it can be replenished by the soil forming processes. Various causes of erosion exist and they include water, wind, glaciers and gravity and these ...

Superfund Sites essay

According to the US environmental protection agency a superfund site is “an uncontrolled or abandoned place site where hazardous waste is located, possibly affecting the local ecosystems or people” (EPA 2011). All superfund sites are ...

The Blue Planet New Budget: Do We Have Enough essay

“The Blue Planet's New Water Budget: Do We Have Enough?” article was created and published by Emily C. Pope, Dennis K. Bird, and Minik T. Rosing on March, 5. The article provides materials about the water supply of the planet Earth in ...

The Earth is Warming essay

The earth is warming, and every human being is affected in one way or the other. According to Gornitz (2000), the global temperature has already risen over 1 degree by Fahrenheit with Polar Regions being the most affected. The effects of temperature ...

The Goliath Grouper Endangered Species essay

1 The endangered species act was established in 1973 to protect imperiled species from extinction. Whenever there is a concern involving a certain species, a study should be done to determine the level of danger the species is facing in order to ...

The Greenhouse Effect essay

The climate in the planet is changing slowly, and the warming of the earth’s surface is progressing. The periods of considerable fall of temperature and freezing are interchanging with warm periods for thousands and million years. Nowadays, ...

The Last Polar Bear essay

Introduction The last two centuries are characterized by industrial growth and rapid developments in various fields. The scope of these developments and achievements is quite vast and nearly every discipline in surroundings has benefited a ...

The Most Hot-Burning Modern Issues essay

Nowadays life on the Earth is being improved considerably as people all over the world have a great chance to admire new technologies eagerly provided by various producers. On the other hand, it is necessary to remember that such comfort as well as ...

The Pernicious Jobs Gap essay

“The Pernicious Jobs Gap” is about the job gap in Chicago. In the article, instead of making arguments, the author sought to introduce and talk about the problem of jobs gap. In the article’s introductory statement, the author ...

The Philosophy of a Sustainable Environment essay

The term environment applies to all external conditions and influences that that has an impact on development and life of an organism. On our planet earth, environment encompasses the essential life sustaining elements such as water, air, and soils. ...

The Seriousness of Global Warming essay

Introduction Climatic change can be described as any large change that affects the global climate for a long-term period. One of the kinds of these climatic changes which have become a major concern of ecologists in the 21st century is global ...

Water Shortage Issue essay

Water has been treating as endless granted nature resource by humanity. But the climate changes and cities population’s increasing caused the water shortage in many countries. Rivers and estuaries need more water to be provided with and ...

What Can A Family Do To Go Green essay

The term ‘going green’ can be defined as the one used to denote the process of an individual, family or group who acquire the knowledge to make decisions that are ecologically and environmentally friendly. These decisions help to enhance ...

Zero Carbon Houses essay

Introduction A zero carbon house is a building whose energy input is equal to energy output hence providing opportunity for the house to return a greater percentage of power received by the building from the national grid back into the national grid ...

Zero Carbon Sources essay

Introduction Global warming in the recent past has set itself up as a major challenge to the very life as it is known on the world. Changes in the climatic conditions have been noted as major challenges which need to be addressed with the urgency ...

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