Free «Guest Speaker Reflection: Stacy Taubman, Andrew Winship, and Bryan King» Essay Sample

Guest Speaker Reflection: Stacy Taubman, Andrew Winship, and Bryan King


Successful and confident people are distinguished with commitment. They are able to clearly set goals, develop strategies to achieve them, and cope with inefficient habits that could hinder greater achievements. The current paper goal is to write three reflections about the three guests: Stacy Taubman, Andrew Winship, and Bryan King, and to summarize how they became successful businessmen and what lessons can be learnt from these stories.

Stacy Taubman

Stacy Taubman is a successful owner of Girls Dreaming Big, a coaching and tutoring organization which helps young women open themselves and reach maximum potential. The company provides the clients with different kinds of services, such as communication, sports and education, in order to shape their identities, teach to dream and achieve their goals.  Taubman received two Masters' degrees in educational leadership, counseling, and administration. After her graduation, the woman started teaching. She worked as a Math teacher and coach for more than 12 years. After 1 year of teaching, Stacy found out the idea of coaching and changing women's lives as a mentor. Her work in a high school showed her the everyday life of young girls, which helped her to understand them better.

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Young women motivated Stacy Taubman to start coaching because they needed assistance and advice, constantly being under the pressure of social standards and norms. Stacy Taubman decided to solve these problems and opened Girls Dreaming Big in 2013. She was not an entrepreneur and did not know how to make business. The woman had a completely different idea which helped her to become unique and face success after a relatively short period of time. She was exceptional in helping girls to navigate through their teen years and into adulthood. She played a pivotal role in the lives of the girls she was coaching, teaching, and mentoring. Stacy is a woman of outstanding character and work-ethic. Her team-building and motivational skills are exceptionally strong. Stacy has been demonstrating boundless energy, drive, and integrity. Her passion for coaching young women may serve an inspiration for other people.

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Stacy Taubman is helping young women to feel free in communication. She let women open themselves and find out their benefits and talents. Now she is focusing on improving the community which should be more comfortable for young women and help them to find out and understand who they are. Stacy Taubman is coaching women to show their skills, abilities, and advantages to them, as well as to choose the right strategies and tools, creating a better environment. She inspirited young girls with her own example. Stacy followed her dream and became successful with it. Stacy Taubman is focusing on her mission all the time. She lives with this idea and the feeling that she has chosen the right path. This is a key to her success.

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In 2014, Stacy Taubman has won the Youth Bridge Social Enterprise and Innovation Competition (SEIC), which was sponsored by Youth Bridge and Washington University's Skandalaris Center for Entrepreneurial Studies in St. Louis. It was the largest U.S. social enterprise business plan contest. Stacy Taubman and Girls Dreaming Big got $25,000 grant, which was funded by the Skandalaris Center.

Stacy Taubman is sure that the dreams of young women, as well as her own dreams will come true, thanks to Girls Dreaming Big. In the next 5 years, she is planning to open a 24-hours center which will help girls to reach their goals. This may be the real secret of her success.

Andrew Winship

Andrew Winship is a CEO (Founder) of Juristat and GlobalHack companies. He received two degrees: one in Economic/Political Science and the second one in Law. In his first few years experience, he was a litigator in Brown & James, PC, which was a law company. The entrepreneurial idea of Andrew Winship was spurred by a necessity to predict the costs and success of the court trials. He got his doctorate in Washington University's School of Law in St. Louis. His experience also included representation of the largest companies in the world in class action cases, contracts, tort, etc. He practiced in Illinois, Midwest, Missouri, and many other federal courts. Juristat was founded in 2012 and became a "moneyball" for lawyers.

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Winship was awarded with $50,000 grant by Startup Challenge, $50,000 grant by Arch Grants, $100,000 grant by Arch Grants Follow On Capital. STL Business Journal named his company the Most Innovative Legal Company: Innovation Award in 2014. In addition, he was included in the St. Louis Buzz List by Alive Magazine in 2014.

Andrew Winship is extremely smart. He has been reported to improve his skills as a startup CEO in noticeable ways each month. He seems to be one of the two best startup CEOs in St. Louis. Andrew Winship is also honest and hardworking. His employees are glad to work on him. He has become rather famous for his ability to predict future legal system actors' behavior accurately. Nowadays, Andrew Winship is focusing on the patent system in the U.S. For his working experience in this sphere, he increased his capital for more than $1,000,000. In addition, it includes the customers' law companies and Fortune 500 firms all over the country.

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In addition, Andrew Winship can be found judging and speaking at Startup Weekends. Andrew Winship hosted St. Louis’ first National Day of Civic Hacking event in 2013. Also, he is a co-founder of Global Hack, a non-profit organization, which hosts a great prize hackathons in St. Louis. The first event of Global Hack invited 200 participants from Chicago, New York, Califorlia, and many other places in the country. Money prize was $60,000. Twelve participants got full-time jobs.

Andrew Winship is an example of hard working, competent, smart, and goal reaching person. These are the key components of his success. Andrew Winship brings an amazing wealth of ideas and positive energy to Juristat as a CEO. He has proven a champion when it comes to rallying people around their mission and executing creativity and success. Andrew Winship has a unique ability to make every person with whom he works feel that they are the unique person who matter for him at the moment. He is quick to share his massive network with others. Andrew Winship has a strong personality that commands attention in a leadership capacity. He has a keen eye for law and judging and is able to apply his creative mindset to his physical environment and external relationships with people around him.

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Bryan King

Bryan King started his career as an intern at Raul Walters Properties. He was hired for a full time position of a Junior Leasing Agent and Marketing Coordinator. Bryan King became a part of a company which was featuring the portfolio of different 30+ properties. During his work with RWP, Bryan King was able to develop and improve his skills, as he assisted with property management, development, collections, leasing, and marketing.

Bryan King extended into tenant representation in Cassidy Turley's Corporate Solutions department, introducing multiple Fortune 1000 companies. While working at this position, he successfully completed huge amount of transactions, which was obviously over 400,000 square feet and cost more than $ 9,000,000 in a lease value. Bryan King was also asked to renegotiate handle dispositions leading and leased more than $2,500,000, which were his clients' savings. He was responsible for the portfolio's leasing and marketing, which contained more than 30 properties and millions of retail space's square feet.

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King Realty Advisors' clients' portfolio included a lot of tenant representation accounts, healthy mix of office, retail, creative and industrial space for leasing all over St. Louis region. Bryan King led the company to extensive experience in the property development. In addition, he had expanded investment sales. He redeveloped such historic districts in St. Louis as Locust Street and Columbia Building, built in 1892.

Bryan King is a commercial real estate specialist who provides unparalleled experience for his clients. In the last 7 years, he completed over 300 sales. In addition, he leased transactions representing tenants, landlords, sellers, and buyers, covering a mix of offices, retailers, and properties. Bryan King was also involved in commercial property development which included rehabilitation of existing properties and new construction.

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Bryan King varied working with national credit tenants, real estate investment trusts, local and smaller clients, who allowed him to develop the unique mixture of skills: financial transactions' profound understanding and creativity.

Bryan King has worked on a plethora of projects for King Realty Advisors and has exceeded his colleagues’ expectations. His creative layouts allowed his clients to achieve efficient and unique space while always staying within their construction budget. This remains true for different projects: from small retail spaces to entire office buildings. In addition, he was a head of a real estate company, which provided tenant and landlord representation, property, and project management, investment sales, development consulting and services. On multiple occasions, his company was asked for complex designs on very tight periods, and Bryan King delivered such orders repeatedly. He provided tenant representation services for Fortune 500 retail clients. His company services can be easily recommended to anyone. Finally, creative and critical thinking skills combined with his natural abilities to serve in leadership roles have led Bryan King to the diverse entrepreneurial paths. His clear vision and stern but fair direction are evident in his leadership style, which could definitely be considered his key to success.











The Things to Learn

There are several distinctive features of Taubman, Winship, and King:

  • An inner freedom;
  • A mental stability;
  • An active position;
  • A strategic mindset.

Constant hard work allowed them to achieve their success. There are following components, which these persons have and which can be learnt by everyone:

  1. Inner harmony. Everyone can be truly happy, living in harmony with personal values and the world around.
  2. Health and energy. Reaching a lot and staying with sick health does not bring happiness. Human’s normal state means peace and harmony in soul, while normal state of the body is good health and fitness.
  3. People live in the community and can not exist without relationships with others. Happiness depends of the kind of relationships the person has.
  4. Financial freedom. A stable source of earning money is important. It is a vital necessity.
  5. High goals and ideals. Meaning, heritage, and value creation are not just words; everyone is really important to make a valuable contribution to their lives and the lives of others.
  6. Self-learning and perfection. The person will be in peace only after understanding and accepting his personality.
  7. Self-realization. Happiness and pride can be experienced only after feeling that a person does everything to realize oneself.


Thus, the more successful people (such as Taubman, Winship, and King) are in a community, the happier and more successful this society becomes. Their own strategies, self-confidence and talents allow them to prosper and help other people. Personal success of each of them contributes to the prosperity of society and could inspire and teach others. 

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