Free «Australian Lawyers» Essay Sample

Australian Lawyers

Technology has been identified as one of the reasons why there is a certain barrier to the access of justice especially in the remote areas such as those of Australia’s rural areas as compared to the Americas. Technological issues relevant to law are such that they at times hamper the delivery of justice in the system and research has shown that there still lacks a system that is well up o date and are in a manner that involves a certain element of delivery of the basic technical contents (Brett, & Blumberg, 2006; Garrett, & Dudt, 1998). In the legal profession this can be identified as a way in which proceedings can place in different locations without necessarily being physically present. This has been seen as an achievement through the adoption of video conferencing an aspect that is now being appreciated by the American and is slowly coming up in Australia.

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Social websites which have received sudden popularity make it easy to communicate with persons from all angles of the world. Facebook and twitter mostly in America have been identified as main elements in which it is best to receive instruction from clients and maintain the contacts. Advocates can now post their websites online indirectly as a way of having to advertise themselves and in this way makes the American citizens know their rights as they are able to get online professional legal advice for their various queries. With twitter and facebook at times one can even do various transactions online with or without the advocates physical appearance at the given transaction point as they can verily email/fax the relevant information say sale agreements to their clients.

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American has seen a more advance professional relations with the clients as well as the people being able to sought help online as well as make their payments in the same way. It is one of main elements that have seen the technological benefits which enable one to be in a better placed situation as compared to the Australian citizens. Whose technological systems are not as advanced and even if they do exist, they are limited to only urban centers as the systems are not as strong as those in America. So the professionals in America prefer internet for their day to day interactions.

The catch in this however is that there has to be full time connection to power source and also there ought to be internet cable that will assist in the communication process. Signal when it also comes to the mobile hand sets can be an aspect of communication that will assist in the parties in litigation. Having in place good synchronous technologies allows the provision of better interaction (Leskovac, 1998; Smolle, 2006). The governments have it as a challenge to have better communication ventures and give room for the new advancing technologies that are coming up by the day. Persons in the in the rural areas have attracted less professional as the life seems to be less thrilling.

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The issues that have arisen when comparing Australia and America is that there seems to be more advantage to Americas rural dwellers as there transport and communications sectors do not give room for poor management irrespective of the location, one is able to receive professional help this also has been attributed to have state governments which work at the enhancing the infrastructure as a general policy (Stephenson, et al. 2009). In Australia however having only on structure of government can give lee way to not proper management and thus it also takes time for the relevant authorities to come up with ways of improving the system leave alone identifying the problem in time. By the time this happens many people have gotten frustrations from having poor access to professionals. Having a devolved system of government is the best way to handle issues on technology faster to serve the peoples needs.

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