Free «Questions Law » Essay Sample

Questions Law

It provides guidance to consumers and businesses on the elements of an effective self-regulatory framework that enables consumers to be protected in e-commerce. It was meant to be adopted by industry association and their members that would guide trading practises by individual businesses. Therefore, any business working in the industry should adopt treasury’s consumer best practice model provisions because it has several advantages like, it provides guidelines that provide comprehensive coverage of important online use of personal information, completion of the transaction and other consumer issues like identification.

It also enables consumer protection from spam commercial e-mails by stating that businesses should only send commercial email with people they already have contact with. It also provides useful guidance on disability and access issues which is fast becoming a major e-commerce legal issue in Australia. The model serves to improve certainty and confidence of consumers of e-commerce. However, it has several disadvantages like, it does not strengthen guidelines for monitoring and assisting transborder data flows e.g. appropriate consumer’s procedure notification. It also does not recognise the value of historical data to national and personal security. I would add the principle of promoting consumer interest and promoting dual role of government and industry. (Clark 2010).

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It would be good for the formulation of a mandatory code to stop unethical behaviour so that consumers could be assured that they deal with businesses with integrity and respect for their rights. It would be fair to subject organizations that are unethical to penalties because of offering their services unprofessionally. A penalty is given incase a seller makes misleading or false representation about possible supply or supply of goods or services by paying between $1.1 million and $220,000. Penalty of between $1.1 million and $220,000 for making misleading or false statement about grant or sale of interest in land, For offering prize, gift or rebate or free item in relation to supply of your goods and services with the intention of not providing it or not providing it at the agreed consideration. (United Nation, 2009).

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I would not put information that is personally identifying in the search terms: these create a roadmap that leads to your doorstep. E.g. social security number, credit card number. Step 2 is never to use your ISPs search engine because it will link your identity to your searches. Step 3 is to never log in to your search engine or related tools or rather install different web browsers that will separate search activities from other accounts. Step 4 is to block cookies from your search engine because it will prevent tracking. Step 5 is to use IP address that is varied and finally, step 6 is to use anonimyzing software and web proxies to hide your IP address from the websites you visit.

A privacy policy states how one will respect the privacy of website users. It states the information you will gather, how the information shall be used and how it will be kept secure. The website will be supposed to keep the details of the visitors very private to outsiders. The website will also enable communication between the owner of the website and visitors to the site. The website will contain;

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-The information that is collected e.g. name, job title, and contact information

-The information gathered is put into what use e.g. for internal health record keeping, for communication between the website owner and visitor

- The website visitors need to be assured of security of their information and to prevent any unauthorised disclosure and access

-Giving how cookies are used i.e. they allow web applications to respond to the website visitor as an individual e.g. by remembering information about a website visitor.

- By providing links to other websites. This however, regulates that once a visitor follows a link to a certain website, the initial website ceases to have control over the other.

-Control of personal information, the website visitor has the right to change his personal details. (Assebly documents 1964).

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