Free «The Tragedy of Hamlet» Essay Sample

The Tragedy of Hamlet

Here we are trying to analyze Hamlet through various philosophies, attitudes and experiences of the world, which are specified in part, more or less explicitly. Reader share his skills and reconstruction, which will thereby be put on alert, was reduced to a minimum - and, where necessary, has done all that is in their postulates and hypotheses as credible and as more even to the whole. There is some danger that the momentum away from interpreting the text too, which is why he needs to provide a firm base, guided by certain characteristic and frequent terms that appear in the text in a way close leitmotif phenomena, at least in terms of their loose connection with the plot. Not to be missed is their vagueness clarify such leave does not need to illustrate what level could be made more precise terminology. This has already met one of the oft-repeated demands structuralist, expressed through the main gripe thematic criticism (1): do not go to the right depth structures, but retain the same picturesque substitutes, in order to get the expression, and we hope to please the other and more important - to choose which elements of the cornerstones of our interpretations, are extracted from the text, and the whole of literature as a hinterland, and not from some outside part of the literary disciplines and external classification. This approach, the ontological, anthropological and existential setting, Hamlet is particularly appropriate, as a little piece of classic works: intellectual debate, questions about the nature of the world and of man, the meaning and meaninglessness of "the human condition", are significant, and at first sight aspect of contents of the text. "Eternal questions" were not only firmly embedded in motivation, but seems to have an own action and denouement - one could even go so far as to argue that the basic plot of Hamlet served only as a skeleton, as a scaffold for all the existential dilemmas, antinomies and aporias that Shakespeare was able to masterfully that it catches up (2). Noticeable is also a high density of meaningful text, its symbolism and polysemy, symphonic compositions of essential intrinsic motives, the abstraction of objects from different parties and from different perspectives, without the express preference for one particular. This will be mentioned concerns searched directly and indirectly, through various characters, sometimes merely as an echo of a word, as an open discussion somewhere, and somewhere just as distant and vague analogies, which will be dissolved by the end only on a symbolic level (3). Given that view of the world, or, to express it better, look at the creature, what we are primarily interested in Hamlet, we will not hesitate to each of these forms is to point out and interpret according to our need for generalization. Word-guidelines, which are extracted from the text were chosen for their symbolic significance - they are like batteries vitality, because they contain potential necessary for any serious view of the world, on the other hand, the meaning of them, and the sign of the value, variable, and of them, like the dice stacking, can draw the most varied figures. They are materials through which the perspective shifts taking place, just as the world is always the same matter occurs shifts philosophical concepts. However, specific and relevant to the structure of Hamlet makes them just as their literary roles: they maintain the unity of the text, in a way that maintains the rhythm of the song unity - are suitable for clear and quite subtle interpretations, which will have a different meaning, but the environment in which it spells out the meaning of them, while their subject almost persistence, recurrence, and follow where they occur, are latent elements of a sentence, which is independent of any interpretation, and has its own specific logic.

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Such an assumption is literary sentences each literary work in general, it is the basic form and the basic form / planar (4) literary opinions (opinion of philosophical in that it handles copies than concepts, that which their own, essentially different from the logic, using a constructionist language and literature creates a whole, as distinct linguistic phenomenon).

It is also one of those over-meaningful structural framework for open standard intervention consecutive translation of thought, but only in their separate segments, because, ultimately, such a sentence as a whole is not transferable to a standard methodology neighborhood view, given that can not be the whole one guy turn into a whole different type (where this impossibility given as a general principle of interpretation, even the principle of knowledge) without fragmentation and simplify their - potential - meaning. If nothing else, at least it would therefore be dealt with such literary "sentence", as in Hamlet, and in every other part of that is up to them zasnovano.Odmah we will discover that the words were targeted specifically. These are, first, the appearance, dungeons, ambition, mirror, father, habit, acting, dream, revenge, madness and death, and those specific conceptual, but in part ambiguous: the knowledge, the will, the essence of language, and finally emotion. On them will be coming back regularly, as interpretation goes by.

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Montaigne wrote in his Essay: "I will not paint, paint transfer" (5). If it could be summarized by a quote box and broadest meaning of Hamlet, if anything, could be taken for his motto - no rest - it would be this sentence. In this passage should be understood in at least two ways: in the original, Montenjevom sense, as the defining characteristic of the modern subject, as its essence and unfixed necentriranog ego, (6) and the second, an indirect sense, like crossing from one to another complex of beliefs, perceptions, and reactions that form a coherent picture of the world. In order to clarify who is Hamlet, (7), and how is it to be considered montenjevskim subject, we will first ask what Hamlet does, what is characteristic of his character. In the fifth act we learn that he was born on the day of victory over the old old Hamlet Fortinbras, so at the moment, which perhaps more than any other symbolizes the inauguration of a powerful father-figure of the king, his father as an abstract model, which the young Hamlet obsessive, and unsuccessful, attempt to incarnations. The psychological function of the father is already implied by his name: he is Hamlet, what should be the moral character and ideal role model and source of order; young Hamlet a good part of its power to spend to model an 'identity' to mold the 'super-ego 'however, his' I' will consume as much power to resist that process. About this Hamlet sprawling in the middle, in the meantime, we get a series of contradictory information: Ophelia calls it "wonderful spirit", the moment after I self-imposed Hamlet darkest scorn, from Claudius learned of his envy of Laertes, due to the extraordinary skill of fencing with which this , according to testimony normandijskog some kind of royalty, has, however, we become the Queen informed about the variability of Hamlet's mood, which in a single bound exceeds the scale of rabies to dullness and he likes and does not like Ophelia, curses and despair because of it, all on his own - even if ambiguous - recognition.

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Sometimes, even when talking about himself, when self-explanatory, not sure if he thought ironically or literally, because that would be both equally be taken as true, and as appropriate to the situation. This figural ambiguity, equal probability of two contradictory statements of the same denotation, not just a curiosity striking style, effective tool that bathes the content and highlight the sarcastic tone and intent - it in itself induces the same kind, the term analogous, "content" ambiguity of the character, his psychological ambivalence, born and shaped in the language. On the other hand, regardless of the information given about the characters, or the reader is in no position to assess the character of Hamlet: vs. melancholic, sad and resigned hero, who laments the fate of the world, we have a cynical, gruff Hamlet that he should offend every neuste%u017Ee who stands on his way. His provocations directed Ofelia moments turn into vice, and leave us in doubt whether his 'pure' intentions. Cheeky exhibitionist dismiss gracious and distraught Hamlet, ready to cry in front of a gloomy depiction dead father, and then ecstatic Hamlet disheveled calling musicians in ecstasy recite some banal folk songs, while all this overshadows the Hamlet-killer, one whose conscience is not at all suffer from execution of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, the executions, which in no way was inevitable - what's more, for which there is no other reason other than disgust that such frivolous things cause its very existence on this Earth. Readiness to respond immediately to respond to the uncertainty is not Hamlet, of course, nowhere mobilized. Already in that line of his impulsive nature, which has prompted the Aga drew his sword to Polonius, the speed and clarity of spirit, which had appeared in the linguistic twists, was stored ready for that assumption, just waiting to be consciously accepted and confirmed. However, when Hamlet mentions the "readiness" Horace, but he is different from the one that Hamlet hammering Gertrude, and mocks the inferior, royal puppets, like Polonius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. This Hamlet is aware heraklitovske volatility and elusiveness of the world, he is determined to get used to, and already accustomed to the fundamental uncertainty, the unpredictability of how the events around him and in himself. (14) "There is a providence in the fall of a sparrow" (15) he concludes, in the aforementioned dialogue with Horace. The true meaning of these prophecies, the world has advertised - the language of the world - unattainable, but that does not mean that a man with such a world is impossible suo%u010Ditise. In the first part of the drama, (16) however, Hamlet's concern was mainly that artikulišesebe and the world, human language terms - but, as this language is basically a system of meaning, it is also a reference to his court, their valuable counter-weight, must be placed usferu meaning: it is a reality to the ideal sizing categories, pokriterijumima essence, abrupt apotheosis father-king, a result that would come up would be, or imbalance, or transposition of reality, the world is indicated or as grotesque, or as an allegory. The apocalyptic images of Roman lead to Horatio in the first act describes the template for later Hamlet's meditation on "dislocation" of time: the world through newly surveyed etalon system turns out to be abusive, false and inadequate - its imbalance with higher model becomes the reason for the split seems the essence of opinion , and the demonization of the first reason. In this look, like a mask, covers various manifestations of life: from morality, emotion, reason, the literal physical appearance, (17) and the weight of its deformations is characterized, metaphorically, in the way that shows the death of King Hamlet: he dies iskrastan, leper, coagulated blood, and "heavy with eating", "with all his sins on his head," the ruler of what was, by all estimates, "the most wonderful king", a model of virtue and justice - antithetical to go oxymoron ..

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The irony, however, in the language of Hamlet's madness is its authenticity: in all respects on the standard structure puns, as in the form of ludic shows meaningful and meaningless content. Hamlet does not like the truth is the truth, the sense of absurdity, while all others around him are doing just the opposite - that is the "method" that Polonius in Hamlet finds naive, seemingly unmindful, ispadima.Komad who also directed Hamlet is a matter of articulation - although he justice by the enactment of the actual crimes they want to elicit confirmation of the authenticity of Claudius Pentecost publication. We seem to be before this performance marks another kind of attacking language, the language of the stage just now. And what is particularly interesting in the articulation of "mousetrap" is the appearance of "strong language", which will meet again in the scenes Ofelijinog madness. Basic principles of operation of this language are repeating and connecting directly to: Ophelia in this mechanism is manifested through the blending of the characters of Hamlet and Polonius, which sent her verses alternately, so that in the end does not know nakojeg of them are really related. The killer and the victim are connected in one piece so as to outlaw vigilante and be connected in Hamlet "Goncaga murder." The purpose of the equalization of the language could come up in the meeting needs to unify the subject, (21) and through him and the world - is the outcome of a ustoli%u010Davanju grotesque, but apparently a whole being. Ofelia's madness, however, is the culmination of human distress 'I' and how it is Hamlet's own hypostasis razdeljenosti, pushed to an extreme. Repetition is, however, a willing instrument producing a reality - as Laertes sedition attempt to establish a new, or created from %u010Deg, revolutionary order, (22), and it also is a way of calling and handicrafts emotion method of forming an emotional simulacrum.

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Hamlet is one of the earlier comedies, built in the second phase, after the comedy and historical drama from the first stage and before other famous tragedy of the third phase. The difference between the two phases, are tragic heroes. Therefore it is not a giant Hamlet or a hero, but a simple man, it seems closer and more modern.

In Shakespeare's Hamlet, we find the fight against the world. He us with the help Hamletovih monologues, revealing depravity in the world (wars and corruption in the royal family). In Hamlet looks like he wants to confront the world of Shakespeare, and in the fourth stage seems to be on pomirijo with the world.

It is one of the few plays in which, during the whole five acts, the hero dominates the surroundings and attracts the interest of all.

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