Free «Reflection Paper 1» Essay Sample

Reflection Paper 1

My Own Definition of Forgiveness

My name is Tahani Bill, and I am pursuing a major in Child Studies. Apart from this, I am pursuing a master’s degree in Human Development. My future career involves dealing with people and understanding the aspect of forgiveness. I personally define forgiveness as the act of withdrawing feelings of anger and vengeance toward another person. This entails forgetting all negative actions the person might have committed. It is worth noting that this definition is open and does not necessarily set boundaries that limit when and how forgiveness should be offered. It requires leaders to be open and forgive their employees at any given time as this is a learning process. As an ethical leader, I can choose to show forgiveness by illustrating to other people that I understand their situation. In this case, I will listen to their side of the story and forgive them, because I understand that they are not the first ones to commit mistakes. I can also choose to release negative emotions that have been holding me back by engaging in frequent discussions with the people who might have offended me. It will be easier to release these emotions by talking with employees hence ensuring that some sense of mutual understanding is achieved.

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Example of Three Organizational/Business Benefits of Implementing These Values

The first significant benefit of implementing the values of forgiveness, love, and trust is the increased employee commitment. Caldwell and Dixon (2009) agree that employees tend to be more committed to the organization in cases where these values are effectively implemented. This is especially because they feel appreciated in the organization. The high level of commitment ensures they are able to work well in the organization that leads to maximum returns. The high level of commitment ensures that they are able to embrace all duties positively hence leading to the success of the organization. They will be ready to cooperate and work effectively toward the set objectives. This gives ethical leaders easy time in terms of employee supervision because of their positivity. Implementing these values satisfies employees’ needs as reflected by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory hence boosting their commitment and desire to perform in the best manner possible.

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The second organizational benefit of implementing these values is increased innovativeness in the organization. Forgiveness, trust, and love ensure that employees are ready to take risks and innovate. They are able to move ahead and try out new things because of the understanding that their leaders will give them a second chance through forgiving. Allowing employees to make mistakes gives them the opportunity to be adventurous and innovative. Love and trust will also be vital in opening up opportunities for employees to learn from their mistakes and move forward in the best manner possible. Innovations will keep the organization at the best position in terms of development. This will lead to the increased level of competition on the part of the organization hence business success.

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Lastly, implementing these values is beneficial, because it increases the level of transparency and accountability among employees. In most cases, employees will be ready to work in line with ethical standards when shown love, trust, and forgiveness. Caldwell and Dixon (2009) affirm that trusting employees gives them a sense of responsibility that they have to fulfill within the organization. Again, forgiveness gives them a second chance to understand how operations can be effectively conducted within the organization. This ensures that transparency and accountability are enhanced in the organization. Organizations will avoid any kind of financial losses with the high levels of transparency and accountability among their employees.

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My Opinion on the Impact of the Philosophy at the Workplace

In my opinion, this philosophy will have an overwhelming impact on the workplace. Implementing this philosophy will be vital, because it will ensure that leaders cooperate effectively with their employees. There is always a sense of mutual respect and understanding hence ensuring they work effectively toward the realization of the organization’s goals in the most appropriate manner. Therefore, implementing this philosophy improves the relationship between leaders and employees.

Two Examples of How I Can Instill Values of Love, Trust, and Forgiveness as an Ethical Leader

One of the key examples of how I can instill values of trust, love, and forgiveness in my organization as an ethical leader is through training. I could organize training sessions that teach employees about the significance of living with these values. This will ensure that everyone understands and adopts them for the progress of the organization. Training sessions will present an opportunity for everyone in the organization to appreciate that the best way to achieving success is living by these values.

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The second example of how to instill these values in the organization as an ethical leader is leading by example. I will be on the forefront of enhancing the spirit of forgiveness, love, and trust by illustrating it to the employees. They will have to learn from what I practice because of my adherence to ethical standards. Leading by example will challenge employees to appreciate the significance of these values hence practice them effectively.

Steps to Infuse These Principles in My Leadership Journey

The first step to infuse these principles in my leadership journey is appreciating that mistakes are inevitable and need to be forgiven and trust restored. This means that I will try to make employees understand that mistakes are inevitable and need to be appropriately understood and forgiven by anyone. Secondly, reliable communication will be put into place to set the stage for the implementation process by promoting the ability of individuals to share ideas.

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Thirdly, I will ask employees to practice these principles in their daily life by caring for each other and forgiving in cases of mistakes. This will lead to effective performance and practical application of these principles. Lastly, there will be evaluation of the implementation process. This will involve observing employees and reviewing any challenges in the implementation of these principles in the organization.

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