Free «Diversity at Workplace» Essay Sample

Diversity at Workplace

Intercultural communication is an important question, which requires intense investigation. Today, increased interaction with colleagues in other countries can result in a dramatic contrast in styles, cultures, and expectations. That, in turn, makes it more important to ensure that a manager has interpersonal and management skills needed to be effective in the countries where he/she works. In the present day world, almost all huge and influential corporations are internationally diverse as they are working across the countries worldwide. To be successful when working across cultures, it is paramount to have the ability to recognize the differences in cultural behaviors and personality traits so that people can learn how to adapt their behavior and communication style.

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While discussing the divergences in communication approaches, managers from Indonesia, Japan and Australia emphasize that their countries use different ways to hold negotiations. Japanese tend to focus on their junior employees giving them an opportunity to develop problem-solving and management skills. Yet, in Australia, organizations have a tendency to give a senior manger a right to conduct a meeting as long as he or she is considered to be more experienced, profound, and wise. Therefore, people from different states may come across some challenges and hardships when they should cooperate and collaborate within the certain business environment. Undoubtedly, there are some reasons that influence the way different countries approach the methods of interacting (Intercultural Communication Helpsheet 2010)

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It is relevant to say that the most crucial issue that affects cross-cultural communication is the culture itself. According to many sociologists, culture operates in such way that it has an immense impact on our personality regardless of the location or a workplace of a person.

Researchers and investigators differentiate a number of useful theoretical concepts that help study differences in intercultural communication. The first one is called face negotiation theory. This theory clearly explains different approaches to management and organizational behavior in various countries, for example, Japan and Australia. The second theory – conversational constraints theory – aids to understand why Japanese managers tend to talk in a calm way with low voice and being filled with trust. The third hypothesis is defined as an expectancy violations theory. This is a very important theory while mentioning Japanese people who are very loyal to Confucianism doctrine and may become extremely hostile when other nations try to diminish or devalue the significance of their belief. The next example of theoretical practice is anxiety/uncertainty management theory, which comprises key rules how to successfully carry out difficult intercultural discourse. This relates to the expression of some core mentality traits, while talking about the countries mentioned, people there attempt to create a friendly environment to reduce the risk of possible conflicts.

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It is said that Japanese and Indonesian people tend to be more inclusive and reach out for close relationships while working in one team. They strive for socialization and close incorporation with their co-patriots unlike in Australia. That is why, for me, for an Australian manager that guides an international team in multicultural organization, is essential to figure out the possible disagreements that may come out and avoid conflicts. Of course, all peoples are different, and it is next to impossible to be devoid of some controversy.

Still, there are certain ways how to effectively manage such international teams. First of all, an organization should point out the importance of deepening the knowledge of other countries’ languages to nullify mistakes and misunderstanding. Secondly, I have to provide efficient additional training where people can better realize how they should perceive and interpret cultural diversity at work. Thirdly, it is crucial to hold meetings and conferences to explain the employees how it is important to be internationally diverse, increase their awareness on becoming a global world, and show appreciation towards other nations. In such a way, the life can entirely improve, and states will be able to set up even more friendly relationship for the common good.

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