Free «Women Leadership Equality in Health Care» Essay Sample

Women Leadership Equality in Health Care

Women constitute the majority of human resource in the healthcare industry; however, they are significantly under-represented in executive positions. According to Wolverton, Bower, and Hyle (2008), their percentage in leading position can be called subtle. Besides, this number is even smaller when the CEOs of healthcare companies are considered. Since women are as talented as men are, the statistics above raise concerns and demand actions (Wolverto et al., 2008). This paper seeks to prove that women in the executive positions in healthcare facilities can be more effective leaders comparing to men in the same ranks.

There is much evidence that females are capable of being undisputed leaders in the healthcare industry. According to Desvaux, Devillard, and Sancier-Sultan (2010), a women leader in the healthcare facility might be even better that a male manager. The scholars assert that women are more collaborative for the sake of the population (Desvaux et al., 2010). In addition, women are frequently more active in the process of making decisions, especially regarding family matters, than men are (Gamble, 2015). Since women fulfill the full range of the healthcare functions and contribute directly to the way the patients view the facility and regard the industry in general, female professionals should be treated as leaders (Gamble, 2015). It is, therefore, evident that women in healthcare are likely to be more effective than their counterparts who are male.

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To some extent, women leaders are more capable since they have qualities that most men do not have. According to Desvaux et al. (2010), women would be better CEOs in the healthcare facilities because female executives necessarily bring emotional literacy to the management. In addition, despite being few in the high-ranking positions in the health care facilities, women do an outstandingly good job when their performance is measured. According to the statistics of the worldwide survey, the companies that perform best have the greatest number of women in the leadership roles (Desvaux et al., 2010). The reason for this high efficiency is that women as the leaders earn the strong peer respect and know how to succeed regardless obstacles (Desvaux et al., 2010). Women, therefore, have substantial advantages over men in the executive positions in the healthcare facilities.

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To prove the point, the researcher will use two primary methods to collect data. First, the researcher will give a survey with open and closed-ended questions to staff and management at private and referral hospitals. The survey will help to obtain data about how many women are in leadership positions in referral hospitals and the impact they have made on the facility performance. The latter will be assessed on a scale of 1 to 4 that is poor, good, very good, and excellent respectively. Moreover, the polls will help gather information from the staff on how they gauge women leadership in these facilities. Second, the research team will interview executive members at private and referral hospitals in which women are in the top management positions to get the first-hand information concerning how females perform in comparing if the facilities were led by male executives.

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In conclusion, women themselves play the biggest part in achieving their goals and aspirations. As observed above, females can be effective managers at the executive level, in particular, in the healthcare facilities, because women regard the emotional perspective that is crucial in this sector. They have an advantage comparing to the men at the same level of management. Thus, it is highly recommended to conduct a complete study to show full potential and contributions that women make in the healthcare facilities and increase their number at the top of the industry.

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