Free «Business Proposal for Marketing Bubble Buzz» Essay Sample

Business Proposal for Marketing Bubble Buzz

Fruit-Punch Juice Company needs a marketing strategy for marketing it newest juice brand in the market- Bubble Buzz. Fruit Punch is a manufacturer of non-carbonated beverages and syrups which are used to make twenty different brands. This proposal is intended for Bubble Buzz, the latest fruit juice brand from Fruit Juice Co. with market target of children below 12 years


Fruit Punch is small size private company that requires an effective marketing strategy for Bubble Buzz, it newest brand of juices targeting children below the age of 12 years. The marketing strategy will be guided by cost and reaching the target market effectiveness. The goal of the marketing strategy will be to reach the target market in the most cost effective way. The plan will also endeavours to penetrate the target market within planned time schedule. Lastly, ensure return on investment of the brand is achieved in accordance to the company’s business strategy (David 2008).

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The marketing plan for Bubble Buzz will incorporate the views of the executives. This will help to develop the brand marketing plan according to the larger corporate marketing plan. This will also help in accessing relevant and resourceful data within the firm. Executives support will ensure the success of the marketing plan since they will provide the necessary resources to execute the plan. The sales and marketing department will especially be resourceful in providing sales and market data (Baker 2008).

Use of internal and external data will be one strategy of achieving a cost effective marketing plan. The only challenge will be to locate these sources. The research will endeavour to locate potentially resourceful sources of secondary data. This will ensure success of the marketing plan. Due diligence will be applied to ensure relevance of the data, currency, and completeness of the sourced data. External data will be sourced from such sources as statistics from marketing agencies on prevailing soft drink market. Other sources will be relevant business journals and publications, magazines and Newspaper articles as well as annual reports (Baker 2008). Market analysis of the soft drink, especially those targeting children will be carried out. Both internal and external analysis will be carried out to determine Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) portfolio. Internal analysis will look in to those influences which are within the Fruit Punch ability of influence. Examples will be production efficiency, management skills and effective communication channels (David 2008). External analysis will focus on the business environment in general and its influence on Fruit Punch Co. internal processes. The state of the business environment for soft drink will determine the challenges and opportunities available for Bubble Buzz.

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The proposed strategic marketing plan intends to develop an effective marketing agenda for Bubble Buzz in line with Fruit Punch Juice Company’s business strategy and mission. The marketing plan will strive to be within the cost effectiveness limits. The overall achievement of market penetration of the brand will be the focal point of this plan.

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