Free «Illegal Immigrants from Mexico» Essay Sample

Illegal Immigrants from Mexico

For several centuries, Mexicans have unlawfully immigrated into the U.S. This has been the case because of the close proximity of the U.S to Mexico and because of the obvious difference in the quality of living these two nations. Many immigrants to the U.S come from impoverished towns in Mexico, with the desire to experience the “American dream.” This situation has made enhancing security along the U.S.-Mexico border a critical element of any immigration reform legislation. Though this is a view shared by most members of Congress, they disagree on how to deal with the more than 12 million illegal immigrants already in this country.

The problem of illegal migration in the country cannot be solved by branding the 12 million people as criminals. This is for the basic reason that no one can willingly get out and identify himself or herself as a criminal to be prosecuted or deported. Besides, it is inconceivable to deal with 12 million ‘criminals,’ a reality that begs for a more rational solution to the problem of illegal immigration in the U.S. For the country to manage this problem, it needs to allow illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S temporarily, as proposed by President Bush, under a guest-worker program. This would help the country benefit from immigrants, while they schedule to get back to their countries for permanent citizenship, and after realizing the American Dream.

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The U.S should continue its rich tradition of several centuries of receiving and hosting new blood and new vivacity, rather than adopting a protectionist, xenophobe attitude and dogmas that are contrary to the very basic principles of this country, an inspiration of hope, and independence, and freedom across the globe. However, as Congress may choose to implement a guest-worker program, it should be aware that some constituents may regard this program as an amnesty for illegal immigrants. Therefore, this program should be aligned with House immigration bill among other related bills.

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