Free «Principles of Operations Management» Essay Sample

Principles of Operations Management

Phases of a project

When it comes to projects, there is a sequence that needs to be followed for the project to be successful. Three phases include:


This is the first stage of project management. In this phase, the preliminary work is done. This is to help in clarifying the problem or identifying the opportunity at hand and how to go about the situation. This phase involves consulting all project stakeholders to know their views as well as identifying and marking the project scope together with its costings and timelines.


This is the second phase of project management. In this phase, more work is done to help the project stakeholders and the people involved analyze whether the project will be of real benefit to the company. As soon as the project is approved, more detailed planning is done. Risk analysis is done and a criterion for the completion of the project is drawn up. A governance process is laid out for everyone involved to be acquitted, and reporting frequency and channels are also chosen for the future use as the project proceeds.

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At this stage, the vital issue is to make sure that all the activities that were to be carried out in the project are being done with utmost consideration and adherence to the rules and regulations as well as standards set. The planned solution is taken into action so as to solve the project requirements that had been specified earlier at the preliminary stage. The project budget and schedule is also implemented at this stage.

Responsibility of a project manager

  • The project manager has responsibility of keeping in touch with respective clients involved in the project and always makes them aware of the status of the work being carried out.
  • He is in charge of team and should be able to liaise with them and bring out the best in them. This can be done through initiating dialogue and communication among team members.
  • He is responsible for making sure that the project objectives are met without delay.
  • He is supposed to build the project plan with his team and manage the team’s ability to perform the tasks assigned to them.

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