Free «The Importance of Continuing Professional Development» Essay Sample

The Importance of Continuing Professional Development

A key point on the way to becoming a good professional is the realization of the fact that the process of studying should never end with getting a diploma. Each field of study develops every day and there appear many new things to be learned; one has to enhance own skills or even a simple fact that a person tends to forget acquired knowledge – all this means that continuing professional development is very important.

CPD helps keep track of own development: one can see what he or she has done to broaden skills, and analyze and reflect on what is learnt and what has to be improved in the future. Sure, CPD is vital to each profession, but it has a special meaning to teachers, for not only do they use their knowledge themselves, but also teach other people. Therefore, teachers should be always certain that the knowledge they share is profound and up-to-date, ant this could only be achieved with the help of CPD.

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I believe that a successful CPD has to be, first of all, documented. It is easier to manage one’s development this way, for all the details of formally and informally acquired knowledge are recorded. CPD helps concentrate on the goals and maybe even find a way to their achievement. It also can help find gaps in one’s knowledge and skills. Therefore, one can see what aspect requires further development. Moreover, CPD is also very useful while preparing for an interview or writing a CV.

As a teacher, I never stop professional development and take any opportunity to undergo it. I am a seventh grade Math teacher, as well as IGCSE Business studies teacher. I completed such courses as Fundamentals of Online Education, Planning and Application, E-learning and Digital Cultures, Calculus: Single Variable, Aboriginal Worldviews and Education. These all were really useful, and now I am planning to enroll into the Master of International Education program at Framingham state university (distant education).

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So, I think that CPD helps observe one’s progress, find weaknesses in skills and knowledge and set goals and find possible ways of one’s career advancement. All of the steps which I took to develop myself were very useful, so I look forward to further professional growth.

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