Free «Job Report» Essay Sample

Job Report

There are many  of us, who is thrilled with an idea of a dream job or actual 6 figure job. Imagine having a job where you get a lot of money, and very often you don’t mind spending them. Indeed it’s a popular dream to hold into such a job. Also, job searching has many challenges for many fresh college graduates, who is looking for a job according their profession, and who wish to have a career growth. It is not easy to get a high paid job today, due to the struggling economy, which causes many problems to the major corporations. is one of the largest job search sites and they offer the best job offers (Beshara, 2012). According their research, one of the top paid jobs can be found in the telecommunication field.

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About the Job


Vice President and General Manager-Enterprise Software Company.


The location of the job will be at Redwood City or Sunnyvale in California.


The salary for the job range between $200,000 to $400,000 a year.

Skills Required

The candidate for this position should have a Bachelordegree in Science. The following are additional skills required for the job.

  • SaaS
  • Web Hosting
  • Cloud
  • Current or experience as a VP or General Manager
  • Information Technology Operations
  • Lead Generation
  • Information Technology Service Management
  • An MBA

Job description

The employer is a top enterprise service provider in Information and Technology processes and infrastructure. Hence, the employer needs an individual, who has extensive and executive experience and capability in the Internet and web hosting, SaaS and cloud computing operations environment. As a top managerial position, it is a position which has various responsibilities which include sales and budgeting, cost and financial reporting management, digital marketing, lead and product development and management and many other responsibilities plus opportunities. Indeed this job has a wonderful opportunity for the development and advancement of a career in information technology (, n.a).

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Keller Graduate School of Management MBA

A job offer, which was described above, requires the candidate to be well educated in technology field.  Hence a graduate with a degree from Keller School of Management MBA will go a long way in achieving such objectives. The Keller Graduate School of Management MBA is one the best management postgraduate degree which can push ones career ahead.  MBA will help to attain the requirements of the above job.  This degree will help to develop personal credentials, provide a direction for career advancement and update an individual with current trends in information management. The Keller Graduate School of Management will help to develop a career and achieve much in every field hence it would be a perfect opportunity to associate with it (Keller Graduate School of Management, n.a).

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