Free «Selection of a Pressure Vessel Manufacturer» Essay Sample

Selection of a Pressure Vessel Manufacturer

What specific areas and activities should the Oceanics group have investigated on its two visits?

The specific areas and activities should the Oceanics group have investigated on its two visits are enlisted below:

Visit facility

Meet the people responsible for the job

Engineering work facility relating to the work on the vessel

Rigid cleaning specifications

Shop area capacity

Condition of manufacturing equipment

Out ourcing

Production rates

Shop facilities

Previous production experience


On hand order for vessels of larger capacities

Work interruptions

Employees and floor area

General appearance

Laboratories and inspection facilities

The response of manager of production about under progress jobs

Inspection and quality control

Control of incoming material

Contract cost

Understanding of requirement

Control between the management and the shop floor

Evaluate each supplier on each of the above atoms using information obtained on the field visits.

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The evaluation of Atomic Products Company N.Y. and Nuclear Vessels, Inc., Houston, Texas as supplier on each of the above atoms using information obtained on the field visits is tabulated below:


Exhibit 1

Atomic Products Company N.Y.

Exhibit 2

Nuclear Vessels, Inc., Houston, Texas

Rigid cleaning specifications

The firm does not have enclosed environment for cleaning vessel and adhere to the surgical cleaning requirements.

Adequate space for a cleaning room

Shop area capacity

Does not have sufficient shop area inside the building to perform the job.

Condition of manufacturing equipment

Most of the machines, such as vertical boring mill, horizontal mill planner, radial drill and beam press were comparatively new and well-maintained.

Machines were of considerable age and not of large capacity but adequate for the job.


No outsourcing

Some outside subcontracting work for the close machining tolerances would be required. The possibility of getting work from other divisions at Texas exists as well, which is well equipped as far as machinery is concerned.

Production rates

Corporately higher

Higher estimated cost resulted due to more man-hours due to less adequate machines

Shop facilities

Best in the region

Previous production experience

Limited to the vessels of smaller capacities

Had constructed one vessel considerably larger than the vessel required by the Oceanics


Capable of handling the vessels of required size and beyond

On hand order for vessels of larger capacities


Work interruptions

Several strikes in the past few years

No work interruptions in past years

Employees and floor area

2,000 people with 470,000 square feet of floor area.

General appearance

Excellent lighting and ventilation arrangements, clean aisles. Neat and well ordered arrangement of the overall building

Heating, lighting and cleanliness conditions were not as adequate as Atomic products

Laboratories and inspection facilities

Up to date laboratories and good inspection facilities. Metallurgical and chemical laboratories were well-staffed and could provide Oceanics with adequate test specimens required by the specifications

Metallurgical and chemical laboratories were very large, but most of their equipment was old.

The response of manager of production about under progress jobs

The response was vague due to either lack of on floor activities or due to lack of knowledge about the end use of products

The equipment available and its intended use was explained to the visitors from Oceanics

Inspection and quality control

Both departments were well-staffed and had up to date equipment

Control of incoming material

No evidence of material control

Better control of materials. Each piece of material was marked for the project of its intended use

Contract cost


Understanding of requirement

The firm had the complete understanding of the requirements from the Oceanics

Control between the management and the shop

No infrastructure exists for day to day control of the progress

Effective control and coordination among people from supply, expediting, quality control and scheduling. Project engineer is kept informed on a day to day basis

Based on the value of the written proposal, which company appeared to submit the better offer?

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Based on the value of the written proposal, Atomic Products Company N.Y. appeared to submit the better offer (CXO media Inc., 2012).

Based on the proposal plus information obtained from the case history, which company is likely to be better supplier?

Based on the proposal plus information obtained from the case history, Nuclear Vessels, Inc., Houston, Texas is likely to be better supplier.

What do you recommend?

Based on the overall scenario of both companies it is recommended that the contract should be awarded to Nuclear Vessels, Inc., Houston, Texas. The company has the experience in the fabrication of the large size vessels. The setup of machinery is sufficient to handle the requirement of Oceanics. There is no history of shutdowns and strikes in the company due to non existence of employee union. The company is very likely to follow the schedule of delivery, due to strict control over the on-floor activities and day to day monitoring system available (Robert Handfield, 2011).

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