Free «Improving the Management of Human Resource» Essay Sample

Improving the Management of Human Resource


All the organizations have human resources who need to be managed regardless of its size. The human resource department works to enable the organization achieve its goal and realize its mission (Talwar, 3). Our Human Resource Managers work to ensure that they maximize the capabilities and the performance of our organizations. Our HR must therefore be trained to enable them identify the talents necessary for the realization of the organizational mission. Training will equip them to identify programs which can identify and attract, develop and retain talents necessary for our organization. Our HR must also come up with the more ways of measuring the success of the programs (Talwar, 23).

The need and expectation of the work

There is an urgent need for our human resource to device a more acceptable way of knowing the needs of the entire fraternity of our staff. For this to be possible, the organization should incorporate the staff at all levels of its decision making (Dessler, 7). Such decisions as whether to use independent contractors or hire certain personnel like a new coach should be done in full consultation with the members. Our existing staff regulations and rules should also be continuously be revisited by an independent body based on the need of the staff. There is also the need to ensure that our personnel and management conform to the laid down regulations (Dessler, 11).

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We must therefore keep clear records of employees while at the same time putting in place proper policies. However, it is clear from the size of our organization that we have to lay down the strategies of identifying what we can do on our own. This is because certain activities require partial and full time help from consultants. Lack of proper structure of involving consultants is partly responsible to the delay in meeting our expectations (Dessler, 11).

We should also ensure that the employees have and are aware of personnel policies which conform to our current regulations. The organization should therefore produce several copies of our policies in the form of employee manuals and be made available for all employees. The organization should avoid looking at the HR as the managers of only the paperwork and around hiring and paying the staff. We must begin seeing HR department as playing a major role in staffing, training and helping to manage people to ensure the maximum performance of the employees (Dessler, 17).

Our organization must seek ways of containing talented and highly potential employees to help in building the capacity of other employees. We must also be categorical on whether we want to establish the specialties in the Human resource Department. Such provisions are not very clear in the current organizational policies. Such specialties may include recruiting, payroll, safety, training and development, and performance management. Establishing such departments within our HR will go along way to strengthening it. It will also bring the services closer to our members (John 97).

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There is also need to put structures which clearly outline the duties of the HR. These should be done with consideration of the ultimate knowledge that any established HR.  That is ensuring that the right people are working in the right places to accomplish the goals of the organizations (John 100). This can only be achieved by increasing our investment in training of both the HR and the management to develop relevant programs. Such programs must seek to attract, select develop, and retain the talent needed to meet the mission and vision of our organization. These will ensure the talent management of our organization.

To ease the work of in planning our organization must begin to involve itself in strategic planning about the overall organization. Such plans must clearly specify who will be doing what and the time frame of such activities to allow us achieve the goals of our organization. This will eliminate the delays of meeting our short term objectives which has been witnessed in the past. The needs in personnel therefore readily result in staffing plans that specify what jobs or roles are needed and their time frame (John 97). 

We should not be discouraged because we have not succeeded in making our strategic plan. However, the organization must start the process aimed at writing one as soon as possible. This can be done through stakeholder workshops involving interviews by an independent consultant of relevant stakeholders. The plan must also focus on the analysis of demographic trends, forecasts of retirements of current personnel and succession planning (John 97). 

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Conflict resolution

I noted an existing contentious debate of whether to allow our HR to sit on the strategic planning table. I would like to recommend that the organization management must seek to draw clear lines between the duties of HR and those of the management. Many of our HR professionals blame the leaders for not seeing the value of their function to the organization. At the same time some of our mangers see the HR as a road block to doing what needs to be done. Most of the Managers see HR as ill equipped to understand the business (Talwar, 23).

This is a belief on the common stereotype that the HRs are not business people. As long as this may not be true, I noted an urgent need of to trainings to our HR. The training should aim at developing their skills in the areas of communication skills, business law and ethics. However, I still believe that key to HR should be strategic planning and not business knowledge (Talwar, 23). To end such stereotypes, our HR professionals must to an extent recognize that they are business people charged with the organization’s most valuable assets. Learning the business of business and speaking the language of the executive team can resolve this conflict. This can thus enable our HR to have a place in the strategic planning team without many conflicts. Other form of conflicts as between the players and the management are best prevented through team work spirit (Talwar, 23).

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Benefits and compensation

Our HR must establish more suitable policies and procedures for compensation of our employees and players. Such policies should also aim at providing the employees with their benefits in the most equitable and fair manner. The organization can consider granting study scholarships to the employees as a form of reward to the employees with excellence performance records. Certain benefits which target the employees who have served the organization for a long time should also be devised to contain their expertise.

Setting conditions of service and development

The HR must ensure the compliance to regulations to enable it to positively utilize the diversity that exist between our workforces. Such areas as diverse values, opinions and perspectives require harmonization into a single organizational document (Elsevier, 12). This can be achieved through coming up with personnel policies while also keeping their records to help in monitoring and evaluation. Various laws and ethics guiding the conduct of the employees should also be set.

Ensure fair, safe and equitable environment

For our organization to ensure fairness we must treat all our employees equally. This requires consistency in ensuring equality in the way we treat every member of the sports team. John S. Adams calls this “equity theory”. He states that one’s output (rewards) divided by his inputs (performance) should be the same as the ratio of rewards to performance for others in a similar position. I will side with him that equity in the way we treat both our players and employees is basic for us to motivate our workers (McNamara, 1).

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Factors which influence the development of HRM planning strategies and policies

Recruitment and selection is a responsibility of the Human Resource Department. Our Human resource must therefore identify the most important roles in the organizations. It must then proceed and carry out the process of recruiting, orienting, training and organizing people to effectively perform those roles (McNamara, 1). In every recruitment and selection, HR must come up with a clear plan for the organization. These will help in ensuring that every employee/ player has specific roles to perform. The recruiting exercise should then be done to fill the necessary positions. The HR must also be ready to determine whether it would be necessary to outsource or hire certain personnel for certain specified job tasks (McNamara, 1).

The organizational policy should also be clear on the qualification requirements for every identified position. These will enable the HR to come up with clear screening criteria to help them choose highly competent employees and/ or players. The new employees can then be selected select and the legally laid down procedures followed to employ. Such procedure should also be followed in the case of recruiting new players (McNamara, 1). It must therefore be our habit to develop annual plans to guide the functioning of the organization. Such plans should be clear on how the roles will be organized into the organization. This should include who they will report to and how they will work together. Of much importance is the process of planning itself. The question to consider is whether our current HR has enough experience in workforce planning or whether more qualified human resources expertise is required (McNamara, 1).

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Trainings and appraisals: We must note that development of our employees will require more than conveying relevant information to them. It encompasses guiding and supporting employees to evolve the information they have obtained into knowledge. This knowledge is then applied as skills in order to realize the goals of both our organization and the staff. This will also enable the organization to guide all the staff to learn at the same time. It ensures equality among the staff and the players (Obonyo & Dimba, 14).

Our organization must therefore involve itself in developing the career of its staff. The organization must also put in place new policies to provide for a guide to the process of orientation of new employees. Such orientation may also be necessary in case of the introduction of a new technology. A training manual should also be developed to target the top management. Our management requires skills in leadership, control, and monitoring and supervision (Obonyo & Dimba, 14). Our trainings must also seek to equip our personnel with personal skills including communication and interpersonal skills. This is necessary to enable free interaction among the members of the staff. Our old and experienced staff members viewed as role models to the new employees should also be equipped with training skills necessary for developing new employees (Obonyo & Dimba, 14).

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Performance appraisal should be carried out with the aim of determining promotion, transfers, salaries, and to supply data to the management on the performance of the employees. This enables the management to determine the training needs of both the players and the employees (Obonyo & Dimba, 14). Noting the potential and covert resistance to evaluating and discussing the individual performance, we must therefore ensure that our policy is broad enough to address this issue. The company may also use the strategy of evaluating its employees in groups, sections or departments other than evaluating the performance of an individual worker in the organization. I recommend that the staff know that in the cases where the management intends to determine various training and development individual evaluation is necessary. This is also in accordance to the HRM model (Obonyo & Dimba, 14).

Promotion of progressive work practices and team work: as most people in sports and recreation would agree with me, team work is very essential for any sport organization to achieve a common goal. Our organization must therefore not only ensure team work in the sporting arena but also within the management committee and all other levels of the administration (Isaac Leo, 2002, p 1). People must not be allowed to pull to their own direction or to compete to outdo one another. Our organization must therefore seek to unite all our members irrespective of the difference in their background. It is true that all the members have different knowledge, skills and abilities which must be ionized. However, with a correct leadership in place, this diversity can be beneficial to our organization (Isaac Leo, 2002, p 1).

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Progressive work practices require that all the team members and they stakeholders reach consensus of opinion as to the goals that the team should pursue. We must also seek the collective wisdom of all the stakeholders in coming up with the solutions to the problems facing the team (Isaac Leo, 2002, p 1).

Responses to the various changes

There are various environmental changes that will require the immediate response of our organization. Such changes include the changes in the employment environment, the organizational culture and the philosophy used in leadership of our organization (Hoseus & Liker, 364). All these changes affect the processes of attracting, developing and retaining talented members. This will in turn determine the amount of the resources available for us to prosper and grow to a competitive advantaged position. These factors also determine the kind of the coach, the manager and chief executive officer or the new players that the organization can attract (Hoseus & Liker, 364).

The attraction, retention and development of high caliber people will give our organization a competitive advantage. Our organization must therefore monitor the changes that may make us loose any of our stakeholders to another team. The organization must therefore know the changes in the employment environment and adjust accordingly. Such changes may call for the increase in the allowances paid to the players (Hoseus & Liker, 364). Our organization may also have to reconsider the need for improvement of both the vertical and the horizontal interaction. Any major changes to the organizational culture and philosophy should therefore be done through an inclusive process. This will give all our stakeholders a sense of ownership and thus limiting the chances of them transferring to other competitive teams (Hoseus & Liker, 364).











Assessment of the organizational performance

Having assessed the performance of the organization, there is much more we need to do to ensure an accurate evaluation of the organization. We must therefore develop more evaluation tools other than the employees’ records that we currently use. Other evaluation tools that may be useful include the organization’s long and short term plans and the organizational annual general meeting minutes (Obonyo & Dimba, 14).

The organization should also consider developing sub-teams to strengthen the employee relations. This will encourage team work and ensure the common success of the whole team. Development of smaller teams also encourages members’ participation as every member is made accountable to their team leaders. Utilizing the team leaders will in turn ensure the continuity of the team. Lastly, the organization should improve its welfare provision to the staff. The level of staff welfare is still low with only a third of the members under insurance cover. The current law also seems to limit unionization of our members which shouldn’t be the case (Obonyo & Dimba, 14).

Gaining a competitive edge through people

For our organization to improve on its competitive advantage, we must device ways of bringing and retaining the relevant people into our team.  Much focus must therefore be put on the kind of the coach, the manager and chief executive officer or the new players that the organization employs (Hoseus & Liker, 364). The attraction, retention and development of high caliber people will without any doubt give our organization a competitive advantage.

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Training needs analysis

It was evidenced that our organization lacks policy provision for necessary training opportunities to our staff and players. The organization lacks even basic training tools like a training manual. I want to emphasize the need to re-address the issue of trainings in the organizational policies. The policy developers must provide for many training opportunity to all our stakeholders ranging from the top management, the HR itself, the staff and the players. The skills of our management team in leadership, control, and monitoring and supervision is still below average (Obonyo & Dimba, 14). Lack of trainings has reduced the level of interaction among the members of our staff and even among the players and may impact negatively on our sustainability (Obonyo & Dimba, 14).

Job enhancement, rotation and flexibility

The flexibility of our staff and employees also needs to be addressed. It was revealed that our organization has created an environment where its staff specializes on one line. This has impacted negatively on our performance with some activity stalling in the absence one or two employees. The organization must therefore embrace a rotational approach to both our members of staff and the players. This will by all means help enhance their job of our employees and the skills of our players.

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Online training and software opportunities

It is surprising to note that in this computer age, one third of our employees, and two thirds our players are computer illiterate. This has reduced on the number of online trainings the organization can involve its members into. The study revealed that only one half of our members has utilized such existing opportunities of free online trainings.


In conclusion I wish to congratulate all the stakeholders of the team for the effort they are putting to improve the organization’s performance. However, our organization’s ability to cope with the projected future challenges will depending majorly on how well we can manage people to ensure success. It will also be determined by how successful we are at negotiating associated changes. This call on the organization to seek new ways of attracting, developing, motivating, retaining, rewarding and managing the right people needed to optimize our organizations performance.

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