Free «Management Strategy» Essay Sample

Management Strategy


A strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a popular goal or set of goals or objectives. It is a game plan used to strengthen the performance of any kind of organization. It therefore acts as a roadmap to guide the organization towards the achievement of the set out goals. Knowing where the organization is going (Berlin) and why (to establish the strength of his army) is critical to this process and challenging than how to get there. An organizations can therefore better work from its current position to where it wants to go.

The second step is therefore to know the current status relative to the goals. In the context of the story this could mean knowing the current state of the US Army. The managers (Patton) can then proceed to set the deadlines for completing the task. He also needs to identify the obstacles that he may need to overcome and the skills and the knowledge one needs to overcome them. This would be the strength of the German Army and the weaknesses of his own army.

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One should also identify the people from which he may need assistance like other relevant organizations. He then proceeds to create a smart action plan that details the process. The organization must also be committed to monitoring the performance results to keep the strategy on track. This ensures that the plan is being followed and allows accountability for the successful implementation of the plan. That is Patton must always evaluate to know whether the path he has chosen is succeeding. Progress should be measured and achievement celebrated to keep the all the participants (citizens) engaged in and satisfied with the process.


It must however be clear that having and executing it well does not guarantee the success of the organization. This is because the organization can face unforeseen circumstances and adverse conditions through no fault of their own. Whichever strategy one chooses there is need for it to be continuously reviewed against the prevailing external and internal circumstances. This is SWOT analysis as the other states could also gang up with Germany.

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